brainelectronics / micropython-modbus

MicroPython Modbus RTU Slave/Master and TCP Server/Slave library
GNU General Public License v3.0
104 stars 45 forks source link

Control Pin problem (remained to HIGH after several time of communication) #72

Closed panther50500 closed 1 year ago

panther50500 commented 1 year ago


Hello, I use it with a Raspberry PICO with modbus rtu protocol and RTS control PIN activated to manage a MAX485 device. So, I had to modify few lines in the file because after a few time of communication, the control PIN remained to HIGH and blocked the MAX485 in transmit mode. I think the problem arrives when an overflow of time.ticks_us() occurs.

Here my modifications :

line 110 ( to inialise RTS pin to 0 at reboot, in case of freeze or execution program stopped when control PIN activated, else it stayed to HIGH and block reception) :

if ctrl_pin is not None:
    self._ctrlPin = Pin(ctrl_pin, mode=Pin.OUT)
    self._ctrlPin = None

line 260 (use time.ticks_diff() ) :

if self._ctrlPin:
    total_frame_time_us = self._t1char * len(serial_pdu)
    #while time.ticks_us() <= send_start_time + total_frame_time_us:
    while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), send_start_time) < total_frame_time_us :
        time.sleep_us(20)   # arbitrary time

Reproduction steps

  1. start continous communication at 19200bauds
  2. wait several minutes
  3. Communication interrupted because ctrl PIN stay to HIGH ...

MicroPython version


MicroPython board

Raspberry Pico

MicroPython Modbus version

# e.g. v2.3.3
# use the following command to get the used version
import os
from umodbus import version
print('MicroPython infos:', os.uname())
print('Used micropthon-modbus version:', version.__version__))

Relevant log output

MicroPython infos: (sysname='rp2', nodename='rp2', release='1.19.1', version='v1.19.1-910-g4937174b4 on 2023-03-01 (GNU 12.1.0 MinSizeRel)', machine='Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040')
Used micropthon-modbus version: 2.3.3

User code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2019, Pycom Limited.
# This software is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or any
# later version, with permitted additional terms. For more information
# see the Pycom Licence v1.0 document supplied with this file, or
# available at

# system packages
from machine import UART
from machine import Pin
import struct
import time
import machine

# custom packages
from . import const as Const
from . import functions
from .common import Request, CommonModbusFunctions
from .common import ModbusException
from .modbus import Modbus

# typing not natively supported on MicroPython
from .typing import List, Optional, Union

class ModbusRTU(Modbus):
    Modbus RTU client class

    :param      addr:        The address of this device on the bus
    :type       addr:        int
    :param      baudrate:    The baudrate, default 9600
    :type       baudrate:    int
    :param      data_bits:   The data bits, default 8
    :type       data_bits:   int
    :param      stop_bits:   The stop bits, default 1
    :type       stop_bits:   int
    :param      parity:      The parity, default None
    :type       parity:      Optional[int]
    :param      pins:        The pins as list [TX, RX]
    :type       pins:        List[Union[int, Pin], Union[int, Pin]]
    :param      ctrl_pin:    The control pin
    :type       ctrl_pin:    int
    :param      uart_id:     The ID of the used UART
    :type       uart_id:     int
    def __init__(self,
                 addr: int,
                 baudrate: int = 9600,
                 data_bits: int = 8,
                 stop_bits: int = 1,
                 parity: Optional[int] = None,
                 pins: List[Union[int, Pin], Union[int, Pin]] = None,
                 ctrl_pin: int = None,
                 uart_id: int = 1):
            # set itf to Serial object, addr_list to [addr]

class Serial(CommonModbusFunctions):
    def __init__(self,
                 uart_id: int = 1,
                 baudrate: int = 9600,
                 data_bits: int = 8,
                 stop_bits: int = 1,
                 pins: List[Union[int, Pin], Union[int, Pin]] = None,
                 ctrl_pin: int = None):
        Setup Serial/RTU Modbus

        :param      uart_id:     The ID of the used UART
        :type       uart_id:     int
        :param      baudrate:    The baudrate, default 9600
        :type       baudrate:    int
        :param      data_bits:   The data bits, default 8
        :type       data_bits:   int
        :param      stop_bits:   The stop bits, default 1
        :type       stop_bits:   int
        :param      parity:      The parity, default None
        :type       parity:      Optional[int]
        :param      pins:        The pins as list [TX, RX]
        :type       pins:        List[Union[int, Pin], Union[int, Pin]]
        :param      ctrl_pin:    The control pin
        :type       ctrl_pin:    int
        self._uart = UART(uart_id,
                          # timeout_chars=2,  # WiPy only
                          # pins=pins         # WiPy only

        if ctrl_pin is not None:
            self._ctrlPin = Pin(ctrl_pin, mode=Pin.OUT)
            self._ctrlPin = None

        self._t1char = (1000000 * (data_bits + stop_bits + 2)) // baudrate
        if baudrate <= 19200:
            # 4010us (approx. 4ms) @ 9600 baud
            self._t35chars = (3500000 * (data_bits + stop_bits + 2)) // baudrate
            self._t35chars = 1750   # 1750us (approx. 1.75ms)

    def _calculate_crc16(self, data: bytearray) -> bytes:
        Calculates the CRC16.

        :param      data:        The data
        :type       data:        bytearray

        :returns:   The crc 16.
        :rtype:     bytes
        crc = 0xFFFF

        for char in data:
            crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Const.CRC16_TABLE[((crc) ^ char) & 0xFF]

        return struct.pack('<H', crc)

    def _exit_read(self, response: bytearray) -> bool:
        Return on modbus read error

        :param      response:    The response
        :type       response:    bytearray

        :returns:   State of basic read response evaluation
        :rtype:     bool
        if response[1] >= Const.ERROR_BIAS:
            if len(response) < Const.ERROR_RESP_LEN:
                return False
        elif (Const.READ_COILS <= response[1] <= Const.READ_INPUT_REGISTER):
            expected_len = Const.RESPONSE_HDR_LENGTH + 1 + response[2] + Const.CRC_LENGTH
            if len(response) < expected_len:
                return False
        elif len(response) < Const.FIXED_RESP_LEN:
            return False

        return True

    def _uart_read(self) -> bytearray:
        Read up to 40 bytes from UART

        :returns:   Read content
        :rtype:     bytearray
        response = bytearray()

        for x in range(1, 40):
            if self._uart.any():
                # WiPy only
                # response.extend(self._uart.readall())

                # variable length function codes may require multiple reads
                if self._exit_read(response):

            # wait for the maximum time between two frames

        return response

    def _uart_read_frame(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> bytearray:
        Read a Modbus frame

        :param      timeout:  The timeout
        :type       timeout:  Optional[int]

        :returns:   Received message
        :rtype:     bytearray
        received_bytes = bytearray()

        # set timeout to at least twice the time between two frames in case the
        # timeout was set to zero or None
        if timeout == 0 or timeout is None:
            timeout = 2 * self._t35chars  # in milliseconds

        start_us = time.ticks_us()

        # stay inside this while loop at least for the timeout time
        while (time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), start_us) <= timeout):
            # check amount of available characters
            if self._uart.any():
                # remember this time in microseconds
                last_byte_ts = time.ticks_us()

                # do not stop reading and appending the result to the buffer
                # until the time between two frames elapsed
                while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), last_byte_ts) <= self._t35chars:
                    # WiPy only
                    # r = self._uart.readall()
                    r =

                    # if something has been read after the first iteration of
                    # this inner while loop (during self._t35chars time)
                    if r is not None:
                        # append the new read stuff to the buffer

                        # update the timestamp of the last byte being read
                        last_byte_ts = time.ticks_us()

            # if something has been read before the overall timeout is reached
            if len(received_bytes) > 0:
                return received_bytes

        # return the result in case the overall timeout has been reached
        return received_bytes

    def _send(self, modbus_pdu: bytes, slave_addr: int) -> None:
        Send Modbus frame via UART

        If a flow control pin has been setup, it will be controller accordingly

        :param      modbus_pdu:  The modbus Protocol Data Unit
        :type       modbus_pdu:  bytes
        :param      slave_addr:  The slave address
        :type       slave_addr:  int
        serial_pdu = bytearray()

        crc = self._calculate_crc16(serial_pdu)

        if self._ctrlPin:
            time.sleep_us(100)     # wait until the control pin really changed
            send_start_time = time.ticks_us()


        if self._ctrlPin:
            total_frame_time_us = self._t1char * len(serial_pdu)
            #while time.ticks_us() <= send_start_time + total_frame_time_us:
            while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), send_start_time) < total_frame_time_us :

    def _send_receive(self,
                      modbus_pdu: bytes,
                      slave_addr: int,
                      count: bool) -> bytes:
        Send a modbus message and receive the reponse.

        :param      modbus_pdu:  The modbus Protocol Data Unit
        :type       modbus_pdu:  bytes
        :param      slave_addr:  The slave address
        :type       slave_addr:  int
        :param      count:       The count
        :type       count:       bool

        :returns:   Validated response content
        :rtype:     bytes
        # flush the Rx FIFO

        self._send(modbus_pdu=modbus_pdu, slave_addr=slave_addr)

        return self._validate_resp_hdr(response=self._uart_read(),

    def _validate_resp_hdr(self,
                           response: bytearray,
                           slave_addr: int,
                           function_code: int,
                           count: bool) -> bytes:
        Validate the response header.

        :param      response:       The response
        :type       response:       bytearray
        :param      slave_addr:     The slave address
        :type       slave_addr:     int
        :param      function_code:  The function code
        :type       function_code:  int
        :param      count:          The count
        :type       count:          bool

        :returns:   Modbus response content
        :rtype:     bytes
        if len(response) == 0:
            raise OSError('no data received from slave')

        resp_crc = response[-Const.CRC_LENGTH:]
        expected_crc = self._calculate_crc16(
            response[0:len(response) - Const.CRC_LENGTH]

        if ((resp_crc[0] is not expected_crc[0]) or
                (resp_crc[1] is not expected_crc[1])):
            raise OSError('invalid response CRC')

        if (response[0] != slave_addr):
            raise ValueError('wrong slave address')

        if (response[1] == (function_code + Const.ERROR_BIAS)):
            raise ValueError('slave returned exception code: {:d}'.

        hdr_length = (Const.RESPONSE_HDR_LENGTH + 1) if count else \

        return response[hdr_length:len(response) - Const.CRC_LENGTH]

    def send_response(self,
                      slave_addr: int,
                      function_code: int,
                      request_register_addr: int,
                      request_register_qty: int,
                      request_data: list,
                      values: Optional[list] = None,
                      signed: bool = True) -> None:
        Send a response to a client.

        :param      slave_addr:             The slave address
        :type       slave_addr:             int
        :param      function_code:          The function code
        :type       function_code:          int
        :param      request_register_addr:  The request register address
        :type       request_register_addr:  int
        :param      request_register_qty:   The request register qty
        :type       request_register_qty:   int
        :param      request_data:           The request data
        :type       request_data:           list
        :param      values:                 The values
        :type       values:                 Optional[list]
        :param      signed:                 Indicates if signed
        :type       signed:                 bool
        modbus_pdu = functions.response(
        self._send(modbus_pdu=modbus_pdu, slave_addr=slave_addr)

    def send_exception_response(self,
                                slave_addr: int,
                                function_code: int,
                                exception_code: int) -> None:
        Send an exception response to a client.

        :param      slave_addr:      The slave address
        :type       slave_addr:      int
        :param      function_code:   The function code
        :type       function_code:   int
        :param      exception_code:  The exception code
        :type       exception_code:  int
        modbus_pdu = functions.exception_response(
        self._send(modbus_pdu=modbus_pdu, slave_addr=slave_addr)

    def get_request(self,
                    unit_addr_list: List[int],
                    timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[Request, None]:
        Check for request within the specified timeout

        :param      unit_addr_list:  The unit address list
        :type       unit_addr_list:  Optional[list]
        :param      timeout:         The timeout
        :type       timeout:         Optional[int]

        :returns:   A request object or None.
        :rtype:     Union[Request, None]
        req = self._uart_read_frame(timeout=timeout)

        if len(req) < 8:
            return None

        if req[0] not in unit_addr_list:
            return None

        req_crc = req[-Const.CRC_LENGTH:]
        req_no_crc = req[:-Const.CRC_LENGTH]
        expected_crc = self._calculate_crc16(req_no_crc)

        if (req_crc[0] != expected_crc[0]) or (req_crc[1] != expected_crc[1]):
            return None

            request = Request(interface=self, data=req_no_crc)
        except ModbusException as e:
            return None

        return request

Additional informations

No response

beyonlo commented 1 year ago

@panther50500 Thank you for open this issue. I'm using the same MAX485 with control pin, but using ESP32-S3. That problem happens just with low baudrate as 19200, or with 115200 for example, the problem is the same?

@brainelectronics maybe here we have a patch to improve the code for the RS485?

Here my modifications :

line 110 ( to inialise RTS pin to 0 at reboot, in case of freeze or execution program stopped when control PIN activated, else it stayed to HIGH and block reception) :

if ctrl_pin is not None:
    self._ctrlPin = Pin(ctrl_pin, mode=Pin.OUT)
    self._ctrlPin = None

line 260 (use time.ticks_diff() ) :

if self._ctrlPin:
    total_frame_time_us = self._t1char * len(serial_pdu)
    #while time.ticks_us() <= send_start_time + total_frame_time_us:
    while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_us(), send_start_time) < total_frame_time_us :
        time.sleep_us(20)   # arbitrary time
brainelectronics commented 1 year ago

Hey @panther50500 could you retest the reported issue with 2.3.5, it should have been fixed by #75

panther50500 commented 1 year ago

Hey @panther50500 could you retest the reported issue with 2.3.5, it should have been fixed by #75

Hello. I'm sorry I couldn't rewire and test before today. On the raspberry pico, I made a modification line 280 to add "time.sleep_us(self._t1char)" otherwise I have errors and on the scope, the data is covered by the rts signal :

  if self._has_uart_flush:
      sleep_time_us = (
          self._t1char * len(modbus_adu) -    # total frame time in us
          time.ticks_diff(send_finish_time, send_start_time) +
          100     # only required at baudrates above 57600, but hey 100us

For the moment, I have tested at 19200 & 115200 with and whithout "if self._has_uart_flush" condition and until now, I have no errors.

brainelectronics commented 1 year ago

Hi again @panther50500 could you retest the reported issue with 2.3.7, it should have been fixed by, I've added you proposed wait time after the flush.

panther50500 commented 1 year ago

Hi again @panther50500 could you retest the reported issue with 2.3.7, it should have been fixed by #79, I've added you proposed wait time after the flush.

Hi, I tested the 2.3.7 revision during few days and with different baudrates (9600, 19200, 115200 and 500000) also with and without the has_uart_flush condition. It seems to be good for the driving of the RTS signal like that. Thanks