Closed testfailagain closed 2 years ago
Hi @testfailagain
:help gr
give me this:
gr{char} Replace the virtual characters under the cursor with
{char}. This replaces in screen space, not file
space. See |gR| and |Virtual-Replace-mode| for more
details. As with |r| a count may be given.
{char} can be entered like with |r|
And :help gR
gR Enter Virtual Replace mode: Each character you type
replaces existing characters in screen space. So a
<Tab> may replace several characters at once.
Repeat the entered text [count]-1 times. See
|Virtual-Replace-mode| for more details.
Maybe you mean "go to definition"?
Anyway if the command is not changed in the keymaps.lua
file (in the case of my configuration) the default one is always used.
from your config:
line 52:
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>', opts)
Maybe :help gr
shows you de default action, but it seems been replaced by lspconfig.
anyway, the important point is this, when I 'show references', it split at the bottom with the files where the method/class/function is used, but I can't press enter and go to them. (and I know it's possilbe because I used it)
This is the default config of nvim-lspconfig, see:
I know, but normally it works as I described, and maybe you know why in your config it isn't, I don't know why, maybe it's some other config, maybe it's another plugin (I doubt it), or other thing that I can't imagine.
But ok, if you don't know maybe can think on it for a future improvement because it's very usefull. (normally it's a required feature).
Thanks for your help
I will look for information on this, in case I find a solution I will comment here.
For use the LSP document_highlight
feature the colorscheme must support highlight groups defined, in my config the OneDark colorcheme support it, I have inserted the instruction in the nvim-lspconfig.lua file:
-- Highlighting references
if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight then
augroup lsp_document_highlight
autocmd! * <buffer>
autocmd CursorHold <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
augroup END
]], false)
See: Neovim automatic highlighting references with LSP and :h document_highlight
The colorscheme must have these defined highlights:
hi LspReferenceText
hi LspReferenceRead
hi LspReferenceWrite
I have one problem, I don't know if this is a feature that I should have with your default config, but I think it should so, my problem is the next. I'm going to try go to reference, I use 'gr' and it shows me all the references (great), but If I go to a specific line and press enter, it doesn't do anything, and I used other configurations where this actions send you to the file.
Any idea about what is happening?