brainglobe / brainglobe-atlasapi

A lightweight python module to interact with atlases for systems neuroscience
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Fixes to Perens and Kim mouse atlases #271

Closed viktorpm closed 1 month ago

viktorpm commented 2 months ago


This PR fixes IndexError: tuple index out of range of (see: #249) and the orientation and scaling issue of perens_lsfm_moue and kim_mouse atlases mentioned in #265

What is this PR

What does this PR do?

fixes #265



How has this PR been tested?

tested on HPC and locally

Is this a breaking change?


Does this PR require an update to the documentation?

Yes, when new versions of the atlases are published


viktorpm commented 2 months ago

Errors to be solved:

Script - error number Error Note Solved - 2 gets stuck at region 112892417 of admba_3d_p28_mouse Creating mesh for region 112892417 No labels found for r10LimCG (112892417) no - 3 doesn't skip already generated atlases FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: no - 1 FileNotFoundError: No such file or no access: 'D:\Dropbox (UCL -SWC...' hardcoded paths in the code no, needs separate PR - 2 SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(...) - no - 1 IndexError: tuple index out of range yes

perens IndexError: tuple index out of range error is fixed

viktorpm commented 2 months ago


perens orientation issue is fixed

viktorpm commented 2 months ago

Atlas generation on HPC:


#SBATCH -p cpu # partition (queue)
#SBATCH -N 1   # number of nodes
#SBATCH --mem 160G # memory pool for all cores
#SBATCH -n 10
#SBATCH -t 0-8:0 # time (D-HH:MM)
#SBATCH -o atlas_regeneration.out
#SBATCH -e atlas_regeneration.err
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

# Load mamba module
module load mamba

# Initialize mamba
mamba init

# Create environment
#mamba create -n bg-atlasapi python=3.11

# Activate environment
mamba activate bg-atlasapi

cd _projects

# Clone repository
git clone

# Navigate to repository directory
cd brainglobe-atlasapi/

# Checkout specific branch
git checkout issue_265

# Install required packages
pip install -e ".[allenmouse, dev]"
# pip install .
# pip install .[allenmouse,dev]
# pip install brainglobe-atlasapi
# pip install brainglobe-atlasapi[allenmouse,dev]
pip install scikit-image
pip install imio
pip install brainio

# Navigate to specific directory
cd brainglobe_atlasapi/atlas_generation/atlas_scripts

# Define resolutions
resolutions=(100 50 25 10)

# Loop over resolutions and run the script for each
for resolution in "${resolutions[@]}"; do
    python --resolution=$resolution
viktorpm commented 2 months ago

New atlases were generated using the updated script. Once they pass the validation functions, they can be published.



viktorpm commented 1 month ago

Passed the validation functions (without the additional_references functions, see #275): validation_results.json

kim_mouse_10um is still being regenerated

viktorpm commented 1 month ago

kim_mouse_10um passed the validation functions

adamltyson commented 1 month ago

Does this also close

viktorpm commented 1 month ago

Yes, it does