brainglobe / brainglobe-utils

Shared general purpose tools for the BrainGlobe project
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Create tests for brainmapper sub-module #49

Closed K-Meech closed 5 months ago

K-Meech commented 6 months ago

More tests need to be added for the brainmapper sub-module - aiming at >90% coverage.

K-Meech commented 6 months ago

I'm looking into writing tests for the summarise_points_by_atlas_region function. This requires a corresponding BrainGlobeAtlas object, but I'm not sure which one corresponds to the test volume.csv file.

Any ideas? @alessandrofelder

alessandrofelder commented 6 months ago

My guess is that's it's an Allen one (I know it's definitely a mouse thanks to @niksirbi ) - I would try using BrainGlobeAtlas("allen_mouse_100um") in the tests (because it's the lowest res one) and see how far you get?

@adamltyson may know more exactly how this data was generated?

adamltyson commented 6 months ago

I assume it's allen_mouse_something. No idea which, but to some level of precision, it shouldn't matter. The volumes are in mm^3 and that's the same across all resolutions.