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Improve tutorials/walkthroughs #89

Open adamltyson opened 10 months ago

adamltyson commented 10 months ago

Current status

Inspired by the Diataxis approach, and to facilitate teaching of BrainGlobe courses, it would be useful to improve the tutorials.

Diataxis distinguishes "How-to guides" and "Tutorials". We currently only have tutorials, and I think having both could be confusing for users. We could follow Diataxis, but have one section with:

We currently have:

Proposed new structure

We could restructure the current tutorials, and add new ones to achieve the following:

Introductory tutorials

Application tutorials

Future work

Keen for feedback, particularly @alessandrofelder & @niksirbi. Essentially my plan is to move more information into (what we call) tutorials (nobody reads the docs) and make a clear split between (what Diataxis call) tutorials and how-to's.


niksirbi commented 10 months ago

I like the idea, but I find the naming of "Introductory" vs "Application" tutorials a bit confusing. I would opt for naming the "Introductory" ones as "Quickstart" or "Getting Started". From your bullet points, they naturally split into distinct topics:

These 4 concepts can be introduced in these tutorials with small data examples, as you've outlined. They can be interlinked to "Explanations" that introduce the relevant terminology (e.g. "atlas", "reference", "label", "mask", etc.)

The "Application Tutorials", can stay as described above, but we should consider other names. Maybe "Specific applications" / "How-to guides"? But I don't feel strongly about any of these names, so could be a subjective thing.

adamltyson commented 10 months ago

I like "Getting started" and "Specific applications". I've added these to #90

I think we can't split the "Getting started" into those sections you outline, just because as BG grows, we will need more introductory tutorials in these sections. In general, most users aren't users of "BrainGlobe", but specific parts.

alessandrofelder commented 10 months ago

I like the way you suggest to split up. Minor question mark around the word "Application" - I assume here it's in the sense of applying BrainGlobe tools to a specific real-world(-ish) situation (but it technically could be ambiguous and mean "software application" in the context, and therefore be confusing). Can't think of a better term right now though, and it's good enough so 🤷

alessandrofelder commented 10 months ago

maybe "Advanced tutorials" instead of "specific applications" as we assume these users have basic familiarity (ie be experienced enough to sow a real wound in the Diataxis doctor-and-suture example of the difference between tutorial and how-to)? But I'm not fussy (in this case!)

adamltyson commented 10 months ago

I don't really like advanced tutorials, as it suggests that they may be harder in some way. The distinction I'm trying to go for is the diataxis tutorial/how-to distinction, but I think that's very unclear for users.

adamltyson commented 10 months ago

Went with Specific applications for now, but we can rename if we come up with something better.