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Brainhack Global 2020
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OpenMentalizing: leveraging open neurological data for uncovering the differences in mentalizing/empathy capabilities #128

Open stefanches7 opened 3 years ago

stefanches7 commented 3 years ago

Project info

Title: OpenMentalizing: leveraging open neurological data for uncovering the differences in mentalizing/empathy capabilities bul_bul0000303_fig1a

Project lead: Stefan Dvoretskii Twitter: Mattermost:

Project collaborators: Giorgio Marinato

Acknowledgements: The project lead thanks Dr. Aleya Flechsenhar! for the seminar "Social cognitive dysfunction" @ LMU Munich, providing theoretical background and state-of-the-art literature about the current research on the topic.

Registered Brainhack Global 2020 Event: Brainhack Montreal, Brainhack Marseille

Project Description: Mentalizing is a higher cognitive ability that is vital for the social life of an individual. New brain imaging techniques have investigated neural circuits involved in mentalizing the most. The goal of this project is to leverage open neurological data to try and gain the scale in the mentalizing abilities confounders like disease/healthy state, cultural background of the individuals etc., utilizing the state-of-the-art knowledge of the topography of underlying circuits.

Data to use: I have thought of T1 in the first place (i.e. structural changes)

Link to project repository/sources: See header

Goals for Brainhack Global 2020:

Good first issues:

  1. Read reference papers - understand the mentalizing & neural basis concepts
  2. Look at OpenNeuro
  3. Determine where to store data (brainlife?)

Recommended reading:

  1. Schurz, Matthias, et al. "Toward a hierarchical model of social cognition: A neuroimaging meta-analysis and integrative review of empathy and theory of mind." Psychological Bulletin (2020). - Meta-study of the brain regions involved in Empathy/Mentalizing. Also the source of the title picture.
  2. Luyten, P., Campbell, C., Allison, E., & Fonagy, P. (2020). The mentalizing approach to psychopathology: State of the art and future directions. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 16, 297-325. - Review paper on the theoretical background
  3. Moessnang, C., Baumeister, S., Tillmann, J., Goyard, D., Charman, T., Ambrosino, S., ... & Meyer-Lindenberg, A. (2020). Social brain activation during mentalizing in a large autism cohort: the Longitudinal European Autism Project. Molecular autism, 11(1), 1-17. - Mentalizing in autism; study on a European cohort.
  4. - one of the possible factors influencing mentalizing capabilities.

Skills: MRI imaging, structural MRI, basic neuropsychology, mentalizing & empathy psychology

Tools/Software/Methods to Use: Your imaging analysis tool & language (suggested: Python, Julia), OpenNeuro, DataLad, [Brainlife] (

Communication channels:

**Project labels**

Project Submission

Submission checklist

Once the issue is submitted, please check items in this list as you add under ‘Additional project info’

Optionally, you can also include information about:

We would like to think about how you will credit and onboard new members to your project. If you’d like to share your thoughts with future project participants, you can include information about:

complexbrains commented 3 years ago

Hi @stefanches7 Welcome to Brainhack Montreal and thank you very much for submitting your project! 🎉

It appears your project is ready for publication! 💯

Hope you enjoy your participation and the whole event! 🤗

PeerHerholz commented 3 years ago

@stefanches7 you could also check Neurosynth and Neuroquery wrt large-scale meta-analyses.

stefanches7 commented 3 years ago

@stefanches7 you could also check Neurosynth and Neuroquery wrt large-scale meta-analyses.

Thanks @PeerHerholz , these are indeed very useful!

jesparent commented 3 years ago

This project looks really cool! I'm just seeing it now but may try to look into it more this weekend.