We aim to translate the OHBM Committee on Best Practice in Data Analysis and Sharing (COBIDAS) on MRI, which was completed in 2016, and finally published in Nature Neuroscience (read at http://rdcu.be/pxWt).
Programming languages:
Some online colliboration platform for team working
A list of requirements for taking part in the project (education level / English level /all the informat on you consider important for participants)
English and Chinese are both at high level.
What participants gain/learn from this project
Working experience as a team member into a localization project.
A list of 1-5 key papers / online materials summarising the subject:
Best practices in data analysis and sharing in neuroimaging using MRI. Nichols TE, Das S, Eickhoff SB, Evans AC, Glatard T, Hanke M, Kriegeskorte N, Milham MP, Poldrack RA, Poline JB, Proal E, Thirion B, Van Essen DC, White T, Yeo BT. Nat Neurosci. 2017; 20(3):299-303.
Preferred maximal number of participants:
15 (invited only)
How many non-programming participants can join you during your project, what profession can they be?
Chinese Writers (max 2)
Added as an issue for book keeping
Source: https://brainhack.live/
Leaders: Xi-Nian Zuo, Xiao-Wei Han, Xin Di, Xu-Jun Duan, Ye He, Chuan-Peng Hu, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Feng Liu, Jing Sui, Jin-Hui Wang, Ting Xu, Chao-Gan Yan, Han Zhang, Yu-Feng Zang, Jia-Hong Gao
We aim to translate the OHBM Committee on Best Practice in Data Analysis and Sharing (COBIDAS) on MRI, which was completed in 2016, and finally published in Nature Neuroscience (read at http://rdcu.be/pxWt).
Programming languages: Some online colliboration platform for team working
A list of requirements for taking part in the project (education level / English level /all the informat on you consider important for participants) English and Chinese are both at high level.
What participants gain/learn from this project Working experience as a team member into a localization project.
A list of 1-5 key papers / online materials summarising the subject: Best practices in data analysis and sharing in neuroimaging using MRI. Nichols TE, Das S, Eickhoff SB, Evans AC, Glatard T, Hanke M, Kriegeskorte N, Milham MP, Poldrack RA, Poline JB, Proal E, Thirion B, Van Essen DC, White T, Yeo BT. Nat Neurosci. 2017; 20(3):299-303.
Preferred maximal number of participants: 15 (invited only)
How many non-programming participants can join you during your project, what profession can they be? Chinese Writers (max 2)