brainsiq / hapi-boom-decorators

Decorates a Hapi server's response toolkit with functions to make it easy to reply with Boom errors
MIT License
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Shrinkwrap and size of dependencies #40

Closed millette closed 7 years ago

millette commented 7 years ago

I just used on my module, which depends on hapi-boom-decorators to determine why mine seemd so big. I though it was nano (ha, there's an ironic name ;-) but turns out your modules and children take up 70 MiB!

$ cd hapi-couchdb-login/
$ cost-of-modules
│ name                 │ children     │ size   │
│ hapi-boom-decorators │ 59           │ 70.91M │
│ cloudant-nano        │ 99           │ 12.53M │
│ lodash               │ 0            │ 4.88M  │
│ hapi-auth-cookie     │ 8            │ 4.80M  │
│ boom                 │ 1            │ 0.31M  │
│ pify                 │ 0            │ 0.02M  │
│ 6 modules            │ 103 children │ 84.72M │

I'm not sure how shrinkwrap works, but I found this version from 2.0.1: which is tiny compared to most other versions containing babel stuff and much more.

Am I imagining things, or could we shave of 65 MiB of dependencies here?

brainsiq commented 7 years ago

Youch, that's pretty big! Boom is the only production dependency this module has so I'm not sure there's anything that can be done as it's pretty critical!

Shrinkwrap can vary wildly even if nothing changes underneath so not sure the number of modules in there is indicative of anything. I'll have a look though as it could be interesting.

Might be worth installing boom directly and comparing the size difference as well.

millette commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I don't understand what's going on, looking at package.json.

If I clone your project and run cost-of-modules I get a tiny (expected)

│ name      │ children   │ size  │
│ boom      │ 1          │ 0.12M │
│ 1 modules │ 1 children │ 0.12M │

If I run cost-of-modules --include-dev I get

│ name             │ children     │ size   │
│ standard         │ 126          │ 41.50M │
│ chokidar-cli     │ 73           │ 5.22M  │
│ babel-traverse   │ 1            │ 5.03M  │
│ hapi             │ 26           │ 2.25M  │
│ mocha            │ 31           │ 1.98M  │
│ chai             │ 4            │ 0.70M  │
│ request          │ 1            │ 0.27M  │
│ walkdir          │ 1            │ 0.14M  │
│ read-installed   │ 1            │ 0.13M  │
│ boom             │ 1            │ 0.12M  │
│ underscore       │ 1            │ 0.11M  │
│ babel-messages   │ 1            │ 0.03M  │
│ babel-code-frame │ 1            │ 0.02M  │
│ 13 modules       │ 248 children │ 49.90M │

Which is also to be expected.

It's only when I clone and run cost-of-modules do I see huge numbers for my dependency on hapi-boom-decorators.

Since I don't have experience with shrinkwrap and it's the only place I see lots of large dependencies, I expect the problem comes from there. There's no shrinkwrap in either.

millette commented 7 years ago

Also notice in my first comment, boom appears in the table with a light 0.31M

millette commented 7 years ago

As a test, I forked your module and removed the shrinkwrap file.

When I ran cost-of-modules on my module using that fork, I got this result:

│ name                 │ children    │ size   │
│ cloudant-nano        │ 99          │ 14.61M │
│ lodash               │ 0           │ 4.88M  │
│ hapi-auth-cookie     │ 8           │ 4.80M  │
│ boom                 │ 1           │ 0.31M  │
│ hapi-boom-decorators │ 0           │ 0.03M  │
│ pify                 │ 0           │ 0.02M  │
│ 6 modules            │ 79 children │ 20.77M │

Next, I'll try to regenerate the shrinkwrap file.

brainsiq commented 7 years ago

I get something that looks completely different if I install hapi and hapi-boom-decorators into a new project (excuse the formatting):

┌──────────────────────┬─────────────┬────────┐ │ name │ children │ size │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────────┼────────┤ │ hapi-boom-decorators │ 2 │ 23.06M │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────────┼────────┤ │ hapi │ 26 │ 1.56M │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────────┼────────┤ │ 2 modules │ 26 children │ 24.62M │ └──────────────────────┴─────────────┴────────┘

millette commented 7 years ago

With a brand new shrinkwrap file Using that branch in my module

│ name                 │ children    │ size   │
│ cloudant-nano        │ 99          │ 14.61M │
│ lodash               │ 0           │ 4.88M  │
│ hapi-auth-cookie     │ 8           │ 4.80M  │
│ boom                 │ 1           │ 0.31M  │
│ hapi-boom-decorators │ 0           │ 0.04M  │
│ pify                 │ 0           │ 0.02M  │
│ 6 modules            │ 79 children │ 20.77M │

"Almost" the same as without the shrinkwrap file.

The new shrinkwrap file is very tiny (but I have no idea what to expect):

millette commented 7 years ago

In other words, your original shrinkwrap files seems very polluted to me, but again, I have no idea what I'm talking about ;-)

NOTE: It might also have to do with and my usage of yarn. But I still think there's something fishy with your shrinkwrap file.

brainsiq commented 7 years ago

Your new shrinkwrap file contains no dependency information so won't have the desired effect of locking down dependencies to the versions I tested with.

It looks like there's maybe an issue with my version of npm shrinkwrap. I removed node_modules, ran npm install --production and then shrinkwrap and it generated a shrinkwrap file containing only boom and it's one dependency (hoek). npm shrinkwrap is supposed to ignore dev dependencies by default but it looks like it might be including some of them (like eslint-config-standard).

Can you try pasting this new one into your shrinkwrap file and checking it makes a difference, before I publish it:

  "name": "hapi-boom-decorators",
  "version": "2.2.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "boom": {
      "version": "4.2.0",
      "from": "boom@>=4.2.0 <5.0.0",
      "resolved": ""
    "hoek": {
      "version": "4.1.0",
      "from": "hoek@>=4.0.0 <5.0.0",
      "resolved": ""
brainsiq commented 7 years ago

I've used yarn with another project so can add a yarn.lock file too

millette commented 7 years ago

Much better! │ hapi-boom-decorators │ 2 │ 0.47M │

brainsiq commented 7 years ago

I think Eran's comment is just pointing out that yarn ignores npm shrinkwrap.

millette commented 7 years ago

I've been using hapi and yarn for a few months, haven't had any problems.

Thanks for clearing the shrinkwrap file :-) I'll sleep better héhé

brainsiq commented 7 years ago

I've just published 2.2.2. Thanks for raising this and helping sort it. Nice to know someone else is getting some use out of this module :+1:

millette commented 7 years ago

Another fairly big change that we decided to slap into this version, since npm@4.0.0 is never going to be latest, is to make it so devDependencies are included in npm-shrinkwrap.json by default -- if you do not want this, use --production with npm shrinkwrap.

Maybe you upgraded from npm 3.x to 4.x and the default behavior changed.

brainsiq commented 7 years ago

I've got npm 3 :confused: