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How to block Facebook pixel? #67

Open tdrzewosz opened 3 years ago

tdrzewosz commented 3 years ago

How to block Facebook pixel?

This code is not working.

analytics_ext: { // Existing category Unique name // This example shows how to block Google Analytics category: 'tracking', // Type of blocking to apply here. // This depends on the type of script we are trying to block // Can be: dynamic-script, script-tag, wrapped, localcookie type: 'dynamic-script', // Only needed if "type: dynamic-script" // The filter will look for this keyword in inserted scipt tags // and block if match found search: 'analytics', // List of known cookie names or Regular expressions matching // cookie names placed by this service. // These willbe removed from current domain and .domain. cookies: [ { // Known cookie name. name: '_fbp', // Expected cookie domain. domain:.${window.location.hostname} } ], language: { locale: { de: { name: 'Facebook Pixel' } } }


tdrzewosz commented 3 years ago

It doesn't working. I see the _fbp cookie

Streamlinelv commented 8 months ago

Hey @tdrzewosz Have spent a bit of time trying to figure this one out myself and got it working using "script-tag". Here is my HTML:

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
<script type='text/plain' data-consent='facebook'>

    fbq('init', 'XXXXXXXXXXXX');
    fbq('track', "PageView");
    <img height="1" width="1" alt="Facebook tracking" style="display:none" src="" />
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

Note above how I have added type='text/plain' and data-consent='facebook' inside Githubissues.

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