braintree / android-card-form

A ready-made card form layout that can be included in your Android app, making it easy to accept credit and debit cards.
MIT License
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Android build error while using AAPT2 #30

Closed vverbytskyi10 closed 7 years ago

vverbytskyi10 commented 7 years ago

General information

Issue description

When I'm trying to build an APK, that contains "drop-ui" library, I am receiving next issue Error: values.xml:3821 (integer) -1 is less than minimum integer 0 Opening this file gives me next results:


Here is interesting the next line <item name="android:numColumns">auto_fit</item>. Android docs say, that "auto_fit" parameter has value "-1", but seems AAPT2 can't merge integers that contains values less than 0

lkorth commented 7 years ago

I encounter a similar error when compiling with the alpha build plugin.

It seems a bit like this is a bug in AAPT2 if it can't handle valid (-1) Android values. Given the alpha nature of these tools, we're happy to accept any workarounds you may have, but we'll probably wait until they mature a bit before upgrading to and supporting them.

lkorth commented 7 years ago

android-card-form is currently being built with v25.x of the support library, in v26 auto_fit was changed to avoid this error. Until v26 of the support library comes out of beta and android-card-form can be updated to use it, please add android.enableAapt2=false to your file to avoid this error.