braintree / braintree-web

A suite of tools for integrating Braintree in the browser
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Documentation/Guide for integrating Plaid? #537

Closed acomito closed 4 years ago

acomito commented 4 years ago

I see Plaid mentioned in a few places throughout the docs, such as here:

But I don't see any guide for exactly how it's integrated. Is there one?

crookedneighbor commented 4 years ago

I think you're looking for this:

tl;dnr, sign up for your own plaid account and add the api keys in your Braintree control panel.

The tokenize call is done using bankLogin instead of bankDetails and it calls the Plaid sdk under the hood. See

acomito commented 4 years ago

Alright gotcha. I wasn't clear if we use plaid then pass in their public/access token or if we use plaid via braintree. Sounds like it's the latter.

Thanks @crookedneighbor

Edit: How doe that know to use plaid? Is there an option flag?