Convert BraintreeGooglePayWalletConstants, GooglePayActivity, GooglePayActivityResultContract, GooglePayCapabilities, GooglePayClient, GooglePayException, GooglePayInternalClient, GooglePayLauncher, GooglePayPaymentAuthRequestParams, GooglePayPaymentAuthResult, GooglePayRequest, and ReadyForGooglePayRequest to Kotlin.
GooglePayRequest remains Parcelable pattern to implement Parcelable interface because the HashMap properties have values of JSONObject type which does not implement Parcelable interface and cannot utilize the kotlin-parcelize plugin.
Suppress warnings SwallowedException, LongMethod, MaximumLineLength, TooGenericExceptionCaught, CyclomaticComplexMethod, NestedBlockDepth, MaxLineLength as refactoring is required.
[x] Added a changelog entry
[ ] Relevant test coverage
List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.
Summary of changes