braintree / braintree_python

Braintree Python library
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Unable to JSON Serialize Result #102

Closed selected-pixel-jameson closed 6 years ago

selected-pixel-jameson commented 6 years ago

General information

Issue description

Hello, I'm having trouble JSON serializing the result object that is returned when calling gateway.subscription.create. I've tried using json.dumps and it just tells me the object cannot be serialized. I'm sure this is something I'm doing wrong, but I don't really know where else to go.

Thank you.

yagrawl commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for reaching out. Can you share the code snippet and the logs so we have a better idea of what solution would work?

selected-pixel-jameson commented 6 years ago

The log is simply an exception that states the following result can't be parsed to JSON.

result = self.gateway.subscription.create({
        "payment_method_nonce": nonce,
        "plan_id": plan_id
print json.dumps(result)

I'm working around this by taking the response and breaking it into a simplified custom response. I also can't find anywhere in the BrainTree docs where it states what should be returned to the Drop-In-UI.

yagrawl commented 6 years ago

The returned object in result after calling gateway.subscription.create is not JSON serializable. You could use a toString method or __repr__ if that serves your needs.

I also wanted to confirm if you see an object description when you print json.dumps(result) because from the snippet you sent, it seems like you are passing a nonce for the payment_method_token. Since you need a vaulted payment method before associating it with a subscription usually the simplest method is to pass a payment_method_token. Read this for more info.

Please let me know if you have any more comments or problems. Thanks!

selected-pixel-jameson commented 6 years ago

I will give those suggestions a try. When I try to use payment_method_token the request always fails, however when I use payment_method_nonce it returns succesful.

Jameson W Parker Owner & Software Developer 920.203.4106

On Jul 16, 2018, at 5:04 PM, Yash Agrawal wrote:

The returned object in result after calling gateway.subscription.create is not JSON serializable. You could use a toString method or repr if that serves your needs.

I also wanted to confirm if you see an object description when you print json.dumps(result) because from the snippet you sent, it seems like you are passing a nonce for the payment_method_token. Since you need a vaulted payment method before associating it with a subscription usually the simplest method is to pass a payment_method_token. Read this for more info.

Please let me know if you have any more comments or problems. Thanks!

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yagrawl commented 6 years ago

Comment if the issue persists.

TheAshwanik commented 3 years ago

Comment if the issue persists.

Hey.. Its 2 years since your comment. But I still see this as an issue. Please let me know if someone was able to convert this String representation to a well formed Json ( Not sure why its not JSON in the first place.. it would have been best).

I get this right now. <Transaction {id: '56bmgpz0', graphql_id: 'dHJhbnNhY3Rpb25fNTZibWdwejA', additional_processor_response: None, amount: Decimal('6.50'), authorization_adjustments: [], authorization_expires_at: datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 6, 18, 8, 9), avs_error_response_code: None, avs_postal_code_response_code: 'I', avs_street_address_response_code: 'I', channel: None, created_at: datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 30, 18, 8, 9), credit_card_details: <CreditCard {token: '9f544yw', bin: '411111', last_4: '1111', card_type: 'Visa', expiration_month: '11', expiration_year: '2020', customer_location: 'US', cardholder_name: None, image_url: '', prepaid: 'Unknown', healthcare: 'Unknown', debit: 'Unknown', durbin_regulated: 'Unknown', commercial: 'Unknown', payroll: 'Unknown', issuing_bank: 'Unknown', country_of_issuance: 'Unknown', product_id: 'Unknown', global_id: 'cGF5bWVudG1ldGhvZF9jY185ZjU0NHl3', graphql_id: 'cGF5bWVudG1ldGhvZF9jY185ZjU0NHl3', account_type: None, unique_number_identifier: '0b12b15dc996e5cde0ec22e9c07b494d', venmo_sdk: False} at 140219677190416>, currency_iso_code: 'EUR', cvv_response_code: 'I', discount_amount: None, disputes: [], escrow_status: None, gateway_rejection_reason: None, master_merchant_account_id: None, merchant_account_id: 'mycompany', network_response_code: None, network_response_text: None, network_transaction_id: '020200730180809', order_id: None, payment_instrument_type: 'credit_card', plan_id: None, processor_authorization_code: 'KM72LB', processor_response_code: '1000', processor_response_text: 'Approved', processor_settlement_response_code: '', processor_settlement_response_text: '', purchase_order_number: None, recurring: False, refund_id: None, refunded_transaction_id: None, retrieval_reference_number: '1234567', service_fee_amount: None, settlement_batch_id: None, shipping_amount: None, ships_from_postal_code: None, status: 'submitted_for_settlement', status_history: [<StatusEvent {timestamp: datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 30, 18, 8, 9), status: 'authorized', amount: Decimal('6.50'), user: 'AK-SandBox', transaction_source: 'api'} at 140219677190672>, <StatusEvent {timestamp: datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 30, 18, 8, 9), status: 'submitted_for_settlement', amount: Decimal('6.50'), user: 'AK-SandBox', transaction_source: 'api'} at 140219677190800>], sub_merchant_account_id: None, subscription_id: None, tax_amount: None, tax_exempt: False, type: 'sale', updated_at: datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 30, 18, 8, 9), voice_referral_number: None} at 140219688160656>

demerino commented 3 years ago

@TheAshwanik You're right that these aren't JSON serializable strings. We can look into adding this functionality in a future major version update.

njlupu commented 3 years ago

hey @TheAshwanik @demerino was there any solution to this? cheers

crookedneighbor commented 3 years ago

No additional work on adding this was done.

This is not a high priority for us at this time (too many other things to work on right now), but we'd love to review a pull request if anyone feels passionately about adding this functionality.

aryaniyaps commented 3 years ago

@crookedneighbor what about now guys? At the top of my head, I think that we must make the classes inherit from a dict (this would be sort of a breaking change)

class ErrorResults(dict):
    def __init__(self, fname):
        dict.__init__(self, fname=fname)

# directly dump the object
errs = ErrorResults()

maybe I can make a PR

pbnsilva commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this? error handling is a bit of a mess in the python api