bramkragten / swipe-card

Card that allows you to swipe throught multiple cards for Home Assistant Lovelace
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swiper-pagination-color not applied to 'fraction' #66

Open Mariusthvdb opened 1 year ago

Mariusthvdb commented 1 year ago

when using either bullets or progress bar on pagination, the theme color swiper-pagination-color is applied. in theme:

    swiper-pagination-color: red #apllied to bullets (but only the active) And progressbar but Not to fraction
    swiper-navigation-color: red #applied to left/right arrows
    swiper-navigation-size: 30px #applied to left/right arrows

However, when using fraction, to show 1/3, that same theme color is not applied. We can see in dev tools inspector that

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-01-23 om 12 08 04

however, trying t set that using card_mod has no effect (probably;y because I havent found the correct syntax yet)

              style: |
                :host {
                  color: red;

I did try and search in the resource where this might be set, to see if we can fix it (seems a bug/omission), but no luck there.

Leaving 2 issues:

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-01-22 om 23 10 16
Mariusthvdb commented 1 year ago

this seems to work for the fraction: use mod-card

        - type: custom:mod-card
                $: |
                  /* colors the whole fraction  element: '1/3' */
                  /*.swiper-pagination-fraction {
                    color: white;
                  /* colors the '1' in: '1/3' */
                  .swiper-pagination-current {
                    color: var(--swiper-navigation-color);
                  /* colors the '3' in: '1/3' */
                  .swiper-pagination-total {
                    color: gold;
              .: |
                ha-card {
                  font-weight: bold;
                  font-size: 20px;
                  color: white; */sets the full line, or only the '/', when the other elements are colored individually

though using custom:mod-card on the swipe-card causes intermittent cards to be not displayed inside the swiper..

making this useless.

Ill write that in a dedicated issue, so it is visible for others, and not buried inside this

mamarguerat commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. I wanted to change the inactive pagination bullet color with swiper-pagination-bullet. With card-mod it works but it's very slow or doesn't charge the card. I tried with custom CSS as ressource but it doesn't work neither. The main problem with this color is that the default is to #000 and opacity at 0.2 and for dark mode we can't see the bullets. image

Is there a possibility to update the card with a CSS variable for the color, for example var(--secondary-text-color) or var( --ha-card-background) ?