bramski / angular-indexedDB

An angularjs serviceprovider to utilize indexedDB with angular
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Extremely slow calling table.getAll() in IE (11) #70

Open damiangreen opened 7 years ago

damiangreen commented 7 years ago

The same code in IE seems to take as huge amount of time when calling getAll() as compared to Chrome. In Chrome this code runs in <1s, in IE, it takes about minute to reach the console line. Is there something I can do to speed this up?

var loadWhiteListNodeIds = function () {
              function (table) {
                  return table.find(7672990).then(function (item) {
                      table.getAll().then(function (whitelistNodeIds) {
                          console.log('setting whiteListNodeIds');
                          $scope.whitelistNodeIds = whitelistNodeIds;
                  })["catch"](function (error) {
                      return getAllWhiteListNodesAndAddToDb('whiteListNodeIds');
schmod commented 7 years ago

Why are you doing a getAll() inside of a find()?

Additionally, there's a small chance that ["catch"] is invoking some sort of weird behavior in IE's JS parser. Try replacing it with:

$indexedDB.openStore('whiteListNodeIds', function(item) { ... })
    .then(null, function(err) { ... });

Finally: What type of data are you storing in the DB? Do your values contain blobs, or some other sort of large object that might not be optimized in IE?

schmod commented 7 years ago

One other thought:

You're performing two queries inside of the same transaction. It's possible that there's a bug in angular-indexedDB that's preventing a digest from being triggered immediately after the first query completes. (I've seen similar odd behavior in my own code; mostly when writing unit tests. It's been noted (#19) that this library handles promises in a fairly unconventional (and potentially problematic) manner.


var loadWhiteListNodeIds = function () {
              function (table) {
                  return table.find(7672990).then(function (item) {
                          table.getAll().then(function (whitelistNodeIds) {
                              console.log('setting whiteListNodeIds');
                              $scope.whitelistNodeIds = whitelistNodeIds;
                  })["catch"](function (error) {
                      return getAllWhiteListNodesAndAddToDb('whiteListNodeIds');

Note that I've wrapped the getAll() call inside $rootScope.$applyAsync()

damiangreen commented 7 years ago

it has 200,000 rows containing just a few string columns, lat, long , id. I'll try your suggestion.

I've been debugging this library and because IE doesn't' its's dropping down in to the

this._mapCursor(defer, function (cursor)  


schmod commented 7 years ago

Ah, #19 is definitely of interest to you.

Every iteration calls defer.notify(), which in turn calls $rootScope.apply(). This is going to be ridiculously inefficient for large data sets.

Try commenting out the call to defer.notify().

damiangreen commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your swift feedback@schmod (in the ObjectStore.prototype._mapCursor function) With defer.notify commented out: loading 200k records took 26,478 seconds. With it: loading 200k records took 85,583 seconds. A dramatic improvement, But loading from the server looks like a faster fallback option for IE :(

Also, Your original suggestion of wrapping in $sscope.applyAsync results in a DOMException with message TransactionInactiveError.

schmod commented 7 years ago

Are you comfortable enough with the native IndexedDB API to write a variant of your code that doesn't use this library and lives entirely outside of Angular? I'm curious if IE's IndexedDB performance is really that bad.

damiangreen commented 7 years ago

@schmod. I'll attempt that, I'm just going to first run a comparison with this less popular lib .I shall feedback with result.

Update, so that lib (gaurav) takes 46.262 seconds in chrome to load the same dataset and errors with "TypeError: Object doesn't support this action" in IE. So it fared even worse.

Update. So I attempted to use the raw calls instead of any libs . The timings are Chrome: 36.113s, IE 35.469s. Code:

var loadWhiteListNodeIds = function () {
            var objectStore = db.transaction(storeName, IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY).objectStore(storeName);
            $scope.results = [];
            $scope.start = new Date().getTime();
            objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function (event) {
                var cursor =;

                if (cursor) {

                else {
                    var d = new Date().getTime() - $scope.start;
                    $scope.whitelistNodeIds = $scope.results;
                    console.log('time ' + d);

So at the moment it seems the best approach is to either use this raw call as a fallback for IE, or this lib with the defer commented out....

I'm not sure I like either approach :)

bramski commented 7 years ago

Is there a bug here? Can I close this issue? Should something be done?

damiangreen commented 7 years ago

I recommend the removal of defer.notify() to improve the performance of this in IE.