bramus / view-transitions-demos
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Video Zoom Deployment: Assignments to currentTime reset playback time to zero. #8

Open martrapp opened 1 month ago

martrapp commented 1 month ago

Hello @bramus, I have a question about the video zoom demo. At least in my current browsers (Chrome: 129.0.6668.90, Edge:129.0.2792.65) the demo works fine when I try it locally or deploy it remotely, but the “official” site ( unfortunately doesn't work for me.

The assignments to $video.currentTime set the value back to 0. This happens for me for that video even for direct assignments independent of your code, e.g. document.querySelector(“video”).currentTime=4. I have never had this problem with my own projects and would therefore like to understand why.

My current guess is that it is due to caching. always seems to return Cache-Control: max-age=0 (and never a http response of 304).

Is this just me or is the behavior reproducible and is it due to disallowing caching?

bramus commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reaching out, Martin. It’s only just yesterday that the site switched hosts and I noticed this breakage too. The culprit indeed are the Caching headers and I am collaborating with the relevant team to get it fixed.

martrapp commented 1 month ago

Haha, what an extraordinary coincidence! I wish you the best of luck for a quick solution!

And thank you very much for the confirmation!