branaway / Japid

A Java-based statically-typed fast template engine that can be used in any Java code. It has special adapter for use with the Play! Framework.
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eclipse-play complain about missing routes for (404) #23

Open zhaopuming opened 13 years ago

zhaopuming commented 13 years ago

--- routes ---

GET /favicon.ico 404

Error Message:

Description Resource Path Location Type Missing route: 404 routes /demo/conf line 10 Problem

branaway commented 13 years ago

The favicon can be ignored at dev time. I usually leave it to the front server to handle it, such as NGINX.

Does it have anything to do with Eclipse?

zhaopuming commented 13 years ago

The problem seems that eclipse-play does not recognize '404' as a correct route, and that's only after I installed japid plugin (the play plugin feels fine about 404), I found that 404 was recently added in 1.2.x, maybe it's a plugin version mismatch? Also, route file in modules dir (play module's example I guess) also contains errors. with routes the plugin doesn't recognize.