branaway / Japid

A Java-based statically-typed fast template engine that can be used in any Java code. It has special adapter for use with the Play! Framework.
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[bug report] color configuration of HTML Editor doesnt take affect #25

Open tunggad opened 13 years ago

tunggad commented 13 years ago

I have tested playclipse version on Eclipse 3.7 JEE Edition, the configuration of HTML Editor seems to be ignored. I have my own color scheme for the Eclipse's HTML Editor, and it seems to be, that its configuration overwrite that of playclipse's HTML Editor. Is this behavior to be expected so?

branaway commented 13 years ago

Playclipse's html editor does not inherit from the eclipse system's html editor due to some big technical difficulty. Playclipse has its own color scheme editor. I don't understand why eclipse html would overwrite that of playclipse. Something to find out later.