branchseer / DeskGap

A cross-platform desktop app framework based on Node.js and the system webview
MIT License
1.83k stars 75 forks source link

Project governance and sustainability #56

Open laughinghan opened 4 years ago

laughinghan commented 4 years ago

This project looks awesome, kudos! Bundling Node.js for cross-platform native capabilities, and ease of communicating with the UI thread because they're both JS, is a very clever twist on the Electron model.

Neither your website nor your README mention how the project is run and funded, though. Do you have an employer who uses it in their products? Are you just maintaining it because you thought it was a clever idea and should exist? Is there an OpenCollective or Patreon for the project?

vpress-admin commented 2 years ago

It's sad as I think this project is no longer being actively maintained which is a shame I was going to consider using it for my app to reduce bundle size.