brandly / angular-youtube-embed

:tv: Embed a YouTube player with a simple directive
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Question: how can I detect when the timeline is manipulated? #50

Closed germanger closed 9 years ago

germanger commented 9 years ago

Given this scenario:

If the user clicks in the timeline (eg: in the middle, or 3/4 of it), the player will skip to that part without firing any events (no buffering because its already buffered, not playing because it is already playing).

How can I detect this situation? Is "watching" the only way?

brandly commented 9 years ago

i'm not sure!

depending on your needs, you could potentially build your own progress bar and call seekTo when it's clicked. you can use player parameters to hide the standard controls

you could put a $watch on getCurrentTime(), but that seems fragile

let me know if you find a better way!