brandon-rhodes / pyephem

Scientific-grade astronomy routines for Python
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Handling missing H,G values for Comets and Minor Planets #196

Closed Bernmeister closed 3 years ago

Bernmeister commented 3 years ago

When running both PyEphem and Skyfield to produce apparent magnitude for comets and minor planets, sometimes PyEphem gives me a magnitude for a minor planet but Skyfield does not (I have not seen this happen with comets, but I suspect this is just luck).

To clarify, PyEphem computes the apparent magnitude using the H,G or g,k model, depending on the data format. In Skyfield, I take the H,G (or g,k) values and use those to calculate my own apparent magnitude. All data files for comets and minor planets are sourced from the Minor Planet Center.

Digging deeper it seems when the data file is missing the H value, PyEphem will insert a value of zero for the H value into the computed body. Skyfield on the other hand inserts a nan. This is not an issue in Skyfield because I can remove spurious data from the dataframe:

if minorPlanet:
    dataframe = dataframe[ ~dataframe.semimajor_axis_au.isnull() ]
    dataframe = dataframe[ ~dataframe.magnitude_H.isnull() ]
    dataframe = dataframe[ ~dataframe.magnitude_G.isnull() ]

if comet:
    dataframe = dataframe[ ~dataframe.magnitude_g.isnull() ]
    dataframe = dataframe[ ~dataframe.magnitude_k.isnull() ]

(or remove from the data file itself prior to passing in to Skyfield).

I'm not sure what PyEphem can do as readdb function looks to me as a stub into the C library. I'm happy enough to screen the incoming data for missing bits (before passing to readdb), but I would like to know please if my analysis is correct.

See test code below:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from import mpc

import datetime, ephem, io

def testSkyfield( orbitalElementData, isComet ):
    with io.BytesIO() as f:
        f.write( ( orbitalElementData + '\n' ).encode() ) 0 )

        if isComet:
            dataframe = mpc.load_comets_dataframe( f )

            dataframe = mpc.load_mpcorb_dataframe( f )

    dataframe = dataframe.set_index( "designation", drop = False )
    for name, row in dataframe.iterrows():
        if isComet:
            return row[ "magnitude_g" ], row[ "magnitude_k" ]

            return row[ "magnitude_H" ], row[ "magnitude_G" ]

def testPyEphem( orbitalElementData, utcNow, latitude, longitude, elevation ):
        observer = ephem.Observer() = ephem.Date( utcNow ) = str( latitude )
        observer.lon = str( longitude )
        observer.elev = elevation
        orbitalElement = ephem.readdb( orbitalElementData )
        orbitalElement.compute( observer )

        if isinstance( orbitalElement, ephem.EllipticalBody ):
            lastComma = orbitalElementData.rindex( "," )
            secondLastComma = orbitalElementData[ : lastComma ].rindex( "," )
            field12 = orbitalElementData[ secondLastComma + 1 : lastComma ]
            if field12.startswith( 'g' ):
                return orbitalElement._g, orbitalElement._k

                return orbitalElement._H, orbitalElement._G

        else: # Assume HyperbolicBody ParabolicBody
            return orbitalElement._g, orbitalElement._k

utcNow = datetime.datetime.strptime( "2021-03-24", "%Y-%m-%d" ) # Set to the date matching the data files.

latitude = -33
longitude = 151
elevation = 100

# Test PyEphem comets and minor planets...
# Data format:
# Comets data source:
# Minor Planets data source:
# Field 2 = e => field 12 = g or H, field 13 = k or G, specified by a leading g or H in field 12 (no g or H implies H). 
pyephemComet = "413P/Larson,e,15.9772,39.0258,186.0334,3.711010,0.1378687,0.42336952,343.5677,03/23.0/2021,2000,g 14.0,4.0" 
_Hg, _Gk = testPyEphem( pyephemComet, utcNow, latitude, longitude, elevation )
print( _Hg, _Gk )

# Field 2 = h => field 10 = g, field 11 = k
pyephemComet = "C/2015 D3 (PANSTARRS),h,05/02.3218/2016,128.5493,157.0632,2.9458,1.003528,8.142955,2000,5.5,4.0"
_g, _k = testPyEphem( pyephemComet, utcNow, latitude, longitude, elevation )
print( _g, _k )

# Field 2 = p => field 9 = g, field 10 = k
pyephemComet = "C/2018 F3 (Johnson),p,08/15.2314/2017,105.5348,293.0113,2.483172,173.0311,2000,13.0,4.0"
_g, _k = testPyEphem( pyephemComet, utcNow, latitude, longitude, elevation )
print( _g, _k )

# Field 2 = e => field 12 = g or H, field 13 = k or G, specified by a leading g or H in field 12 (no g or H implies H). 
pyephemMinorPlanet = "2010 LG61,e,123.8859,317.3744,352.1688,7.366687,0.0492942,0.81371070,163.4277,04/27.0/2019,2000,H,0.15"
_Hg, _Gk = testPyEphem( pyephemMinorPlanet, utcNow, latitude, longitude, elevation )
print( _Hg, _Gk )  # INCORRECT: There is no value defined in the data for H.

# Test Skyfield minor planets...
# Minor Planets data source:
skyfieldMinorPlanet = "K10L61G             K194R 163.42773  352.16876  317.37443  123.88594  0.8137107  0.04929419   7.3666867  7 MPO460897    17   1   55 days 0.84 M-v 38h MPC        0000         2010 LG61"
_H, _G = testSkyfield( skyfieldMinorPlanet, False )
print( _H, _G )
brandon-rhodes commented 3 years ago

It took a bit of searching to find where it was happening, but it was down at the lowest-level call to interpret a float that the 0.0 value was being generated. I've added a little check to the C code that detects the case of an empty string manually and sets the result to nan instead of 0.0. It doesn’t break any tests, so hopefully doesn’t break any other corners of PyEphem that might use that routine.

It might be a while before the next release, but when it happens, this fix should be included!