brandon1024 / find

A find-in-page extension for Chrome and Firefox that supports regular expressions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
402 stars 52 forks source link

Killer-Feature request: Hide irrelevant parts on Website #369

Open dnngll opened 2 years ago

dnngll commented 2 years ago


I regularly use {find+} on looong websites like eBay (Results set to 200 per page of course). I just came to realize that it is always a bit of a pain to scroll over the parts of the page that I'm not interested. Wouldn't it be easier to just hide it? Please see my mockup (quick and dirty via mspaint):

Before: image

After: image

One would have to define, how many pixels above and below the search-result are shown. Plus the thickness/color/etc. of the separator (pink in my example).

Very curious about what you think.
