brandon1024 / find

A find-in-page extension for Chrome and Firefox that supports regular expressions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
402 stars 52 forks source link

No page scrolling or hilighting of results after searching. Up/Down buttons do nothing on Firefox and Chrome. #395

Closed futuremotiondev closed 1 year ago

futuremotiondev commented 1 year ago

Issue Description

I've entered (?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z]\B) to search for CamelCase occurrences, and I got 3 results on the page (


But when I press the up/down buttons to cycle through the results, nothing happens. No auto-scroll, no highlighting, nothing. So essentially I can't get the extension to work.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install the latest version of Firefox Developer Edition (110.0b7 64-bit) or Chrome (109.0.5414.120 Official Build 64-bit).
  2. Install Find+ in your browser.
  3. Go here as an example.
  4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F
  5. Enter in this expression: (?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z]\B). You should see that three results have been found.
  6. Press the Up/Down buttons and watch as nothing happens.

Expected Behavior

The plugin should both highlight and auto-scroll to results that have been identified.

Screenshots and Documentation

Again I'm on the latest Firefox (110.0b7 64-bit) and Chrome (109.0.5414.120 Official Build 64-bit).

I really need this feature and it looks like Find+ is the only real solution that exists currently.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated

futuremotiondev commented 1 year ago

Nevermind. It was my expression that was at fault. I guess Find+ doesn't parse it correctly. Other - more simple - expressions are working fine. Closing the issue.