brandonbloom / fipp

Fast Idiomatic Pretty Printer for Clojure
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Add exclusion for new `clojure.core/boolean?` var #39

Closed AdamFrey closed 8 years ago

AdamFrey commented 8 years ago

Clojure 1.9 adds several new predicate functions to clojure.core, including boolean?. Compiling Fipp with the 1.9.0-alpha7 prints this warning:

WARNING: boolean? already refers to: #'clojure.core/boolean? in namespace: fipp.visit, being replaced by: #'fipp.visit/boolean?

Excluding boolean? removes the warning.

brandonbloom commented 8 years ago

I'll wait for Clojure/ClojureScript 1.9 release to cut a new version. Thanks!

brandonbloom commented 8 years ago

Merged in b42d04acccd6694750521344205c4afdaf2ce7c9 -- Thanks!

brandonbloom commented 8 years ago

Deployed release 0.6.6 to clojars

roryokane commented 4 years ago

Future finders of this issue, if you are getting the warning about #'fipp.visit/boolean? in a newly-created Leiningen project and you don’t know which part of your code is causing this, check your global ~/.lein/profiles.clj file. You might be depending on an old version of venantius/ultra, like this:

{:user {:plugins [[venantius/ultra "0.4.0"]]}}

If you upgrade to the latest version of venantius/ultra, this will upgrade the version of fipp it depends on via mvxcvi/puget, fixing the warning-causing code.

A way to solve similar problems in the future is to run lein deps :tree, which prints a list of your project’s transitive dependencies, including the ones pulled in by your Leiningen profile. That’s how I found that venantius/ultra’s dependency on fipp was through mvxcvi/puget.