brandoncaulfield / sap-nw-abap-trial-docker-windows

SAP NW ABAP Trial in Docker on Windows 🐳
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Abort Instalation in SAP SP04 Installation Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException #14

Open Zekes13 opened 2 years ago

Zekes13 commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone, The Installation is always aborted and it gives me this error: Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException Please It been 2 weeks I've tried roughly everything avaliable on the internet: and its always the same thing If you could help I would be so appriciative. Here bellow you'ill find the installation error log.

To install this TestDrive you have to accept the SAP COMMUNITY DEVELOPER License (DEV). Do you agree to the above license terms? yes/no: User's response to the accept license prompt = 'yes' Please enter a password: Please re-enter password for verification: extracting data archives... extracting /media/sf_Compressed_SAP_SP04/server/TAR/x86_64/dbdata.tgz- extracting /media/sf_Compressed_SAP_SP04/server/TAR/x86_64/dblog.tgz- extracting /media/sf_Compressed_SAP_SP04/server/TAR/x86_64/dbexe.tgz- extracting /media/sf_Compressed_SAP_SP04/server/TAR/x86_64/usrsap.tgz- extracting /media/sf_Compressed_SAP_SP04/server/TAR/x86_64/sapmnt.tgz-* Checking Linux kernel memory management parameters according to SAP Note 941735 Backing up /etc/sysctl.conf in /etc/sysctl.backup Checking Linux kernel parameter vm.max_map_count according to SAP Note 900929 Checking presence of new SYBASE license files No new licenses were copied from /media/sf_Compressed_SAP_SP04/server/TAR/x86_64 to /sybase/NPL/SYSAM-2_0/licenses Install service Check Installation Path ... ok Copy Executable ... ok Generate Profile ... ok Install SYS-V service ... [WARNING] exit with status 5 -> Start /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec pf=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile <- start hostcontrol using profile /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/host_profile ok [OK] SAPHostExec / SAPHostControl succesfully installed Executing: "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/SAPCAR" -xvf "./SHADBMETRICSDEF.SAR" -R "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/config.d" SAPCAR: processing archive ./SHADBMETRICSDEF.SAR (version 2.01) x dbmetric.definition.db4.cimobj x dbmetric.definition.db6.cimobj x dbmetric.definition.hdb.cimobj x dbmetric.definition.mss.cimobj x dbmetric.definition.ora.cimobj x x dbmetric.definition.siq.cimobj x dbmetric.definition.syb.cimobj x dbmetric.definition.tst.cimobj x dbmetrics.d x dbmetrics.d/00.general.hdb.cimobj x dbmetrics.d/00.state.hdb.cimobj x dbmetrics.d/ x dbmetrics.d/20.indexserver.hdb.cimobj x dbmetrics.d/20.nameserver.hdb.cimobj SAPCAR: 15 file(s) extracted SAPCAR: rc 0 =>sapparam(1c): No Profile used. =>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline ################################################ Abort execution because of Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException ################################################

Error: sapinst has finished with an error code, please find logs in /tmp/sapinst_instdir Error code: 20 ++++ Support data section BEGIN ++++

Thanks a lot

rtemchernenko commented 1 year ago

i got the same error :(

ndfinley commented 3 months ago

I had the same issue and it's related to the license. Make sure you use the license that you download separately on the download website.