Open Abdon3 opened 8 years ago
Hi @Abdon3,
This driver closely matches the python driver implementation and all functions documented in the RethinkDB API can be used (with some minor syntax differences for the Delphi language).
Some examples of usage:
Creating a connection:
var conn: TRethinkDbConnection;
conn := r.connect( 'localhost' );
Running queries:
var q: TRQLQuery; res: TRQLQueryResult;
q := r.db('test').tableCreate('tv_shows');
res := conn );
If res is TRQLDocument
Then Memo1.Lines.Add( (res as TRQLDocument).Value.ToString )
For V in (res as TRethinkDbCursor)
Do Memo1.Lines.Add( V.ToString );
Inserting data:
q := r.table('tv_shows').insert(r.expr([r.makeObject(['name', 'Star Trek TNG', 'episodes', 178 ]), r.makeObject(['name', 'Battlestar Galactica', 'episodes', 75 ]) ] ));
Querying data:
q := r.table('tv_shows').filter( r.row.getField('episodes').gt(100) );
Hi Brandon,
For the insert, is it possible to insert a record with a subrecord like in this python's example:
r.table("authors").insert([ { "name": "William Adama", "tv_show": "Battlestar Galactica", "posts": [ {"title": "Decommissioning speech", "content": "The Cylon War is long over..."}, {"title": "We are at war", "content": "Moments ago, this ship received..."}, {"title": "The new Earth", "content": "The discoveries of the past few days..."} ] }, { "name": "Laura Roslin", "tv_show": "Battlestar Galactica", "posts": [ {"title": "The oath of office", "content": "I, Laura Roslin, ..."}, {"title": "They look like us", "content": "The Cylons have the ability..."} ] }, ...... ]);
And thank a lot for your work,
By experimenting with RethinkDB I could see how promising Delphi is too. I'm still getting started, despite very few posts addressing its use in Pascal, how to enable authentication and etc ... But creating a Firebird sync for RethinkDB was very enjoyable. Congratulations to those involved!
How to list out a table as strings and collections of object or something I know how to do insert with variety of ways. I fail to insert using sample above. I tried so bad end up creating something like code below: function TRethink.Insert(TableName: string; const JSON: array of const): Boolean; var jsonObject: TJSONObject; begin try jsonObject := TJSONObject.Create; try for var i := 0 to High(JSON) div 2 do begin var key := string(JSON[i 2].VUnicodeString); var value := JSON[i 2 + 1]; case value.VType of vtUnicodeString: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONString.Create(string(value.VUnicodeString))); vtString: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONString.Create(string(value.VString))); vtInteger: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONNumber.Create(value.VInteger)); vtBoolean: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONBool.Create(value.VBoolean)); vtExtended: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONNumber.Create(value.VExtended^)); vtCurrency: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONNumber.Create(value.VCurrency^)); vtInt64: jsonObject.AddPair(key, TJSONNumber.Create(value.VInt64^)); end; end; r.db(Curdb).table(TableName).insert(jsonObject).run(Conn); Result := True; finally jsonObject.Free; end; except Result := False; end; end;
Hi Brandon, would you be so kind as to share a few examples on how to insert in Delphi and any other of the command as well?
Thank You,