In this script I get ; at the end of the first line marked in red (see attached image)
plugin version is 1.6 (there are 2 versions 1.5 in the repo. I have the latest one)
RMF -skipTrash $inData;
RMF -skipTrash $outData;
copyFromLocal $inDataLocal $inData;
A = load '$inData';
B = foreach A generate flatten(TOKENIZE((chararray)$0)) as word;
C = filter B by word matches '\\w+';
D = group C by word;
E = foreach D generate COUNT(C) as wordCount, group;
sorted = order E by wordCount desc;
store sorted into '$outData';
In this script I get ; at the end of the first line marked in red (see attached image) plugin version is 1.6 (there are 2 versions 1.5 in the repo. I have the latest one)