brandonp2412 / FitBook

Track your calorie intake - Completely offline
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[Feature Request] Add time to entry to allow entering everything from the day #9

Closed natrius closed 1 week ago

natrius commented 1 week ago

And make it possible to change later when editing that entry as well. Also - sort entries by time as well. If i move something from evening (accidentaly forgot to change time) to morning (actual time i ate) i would like to see it reflected in the app as well.

Btw. thanks for the app! I know two other, Waistline is mighty but complicated and Energize is simple but develpment slowed down unfortunately.

brandonp2412 commented 1 week ago

Time is editable if your date format includes the time

natrius commented 1 week ago

Oh, i missed that. Maybe rename the setting field to "Date and time format" and just change the example behind it?