As a User, I want to have a button to add new activities, so that I can add all the activities I need to use the application.
Given that I am on the Activities page
Then I click on "Add Activity"
I should see a form to add a new Activity.
[x] Create Form to add Activity.
[x] Fields: Name, Category (Dropdown), Avg Time, Max Time.
[x] Name and Category are mandatory.
[x] Avg. Time has a default value of 30 minutes.
[x] Max. Time has a default value of 1 hour
[x] Create Post endpoint.
[x] Create Axios call
[x] Create Tanstack call
[ ] Create QueryKey Factory. (Will be its own ticket, logged)
As a User, I want to have a button to add new activities, so that I can add all the activities I need to use the application. Given that I am on the Activities page Then I click on "Add Activity" I should see a form to add a new Activity.