brandur / sorg

A Go-based static site generator that compiles
MIT License
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Theme for hugo #237

Open pjebs opened 5 years ago

pjebs commented 5 years ago

If I want to adopt your beautiful theme for hugo, where would I start?

andrewgdunn commented 3 years ago

I'll glom on. I was taken by your site and basically was planning to crib from it in a coming weekend. If you'd give a pointer on where to begin I would happily report back here and share whatever I end up making.

It's beautiful stuff.

brandur commented 3 years ago

Thanks Andrew!

Basically, all the styles are in these two files:

I don't think I'd suggest reusing them though — I wrote all of this a long time ago and it's gotten a little unwieldy over time. I also used a CSS reset, which is not something I'd recommend anymore (all major modern browsers render consistently by default). Lastly, I started using Flexbox years after the original code, and it would have been much cleaner had I started with it from day one.

It might be easier to start from scratch and just adapt the styles found by introspection with Chrome's tooling. You'd end up with something much simpler and likely more maintainable.

wenyugu commented 1 year ago

I really enjoyed the aesthetics of your site and would like to build something similar using hugo. The last update to this thread is two years ago. Do you mind give some directions on which parts are the most relevant (template, layout, stylesheet) in this repo and which parts are out of date (like do you still use ace as templating engine, if not, then I don't need to look into those files)? Let just say I want to recreate something similar to articles layout, where should I start? Thanks in advance.

brandur commented 1 year ago

There's still a few legacy pages that I've never gotten around to reskinning, but all the new stuff is on the standard Go template system as views/*.tmpl.html and all new CSS uses Tailwind so the styles are inline.