branflake2267 / GWT-Maps-V3-Api

GWT Maps V3 Javascript Bindings
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Add JSO wrapper for MarkerClustererPlus #165

Closed tvernum closed 11 years ago

tvernum commented 11 years ago

This is a JSO wrapper around MarkerClustererPlus

I'm happy to rework things if needed, just let me know.

branflake2267 commented 11 years ago

Weird my comments didn't comment on the line, or something changed hm.

branflake2267 commented 11 years ago

Awesome job! I made a few nits.

Overall excellent job!

twistedpair commented 11 years ago

Just curious, how will this reconcile with the Gmaps version tracking against this project's versions? Release 3.10 will be Gmaps 3.10, not 3.9. Can we assume the Gmaps API should be backwards compatible?

branflake2267 commented 11 years ago

Nice work. Would you consider that ready.

Just a note, I merged my latest pom changes. This will conflict with your slightly. Sorry about that.

tvernum commented 11 years ago

Yes, I consider it ready - if we've settled on what to do with the version numbering.

branflake2267 commented 11 years ago

Could you merge it with the latest on master, resolve the conflict. I can take over on the version. I think I'll add -build-1 so that way the version that you gave I am guessing stands for the utility javascript version.

branflake2267 commented 11 years ago

unless you want to add -build-1-SNAPSHOT :)

tvernum commented 11 years ago

I think it's up to date now (sorry, I was working on other things for the last few days).

The merge with master didn't create any genuine conflicts, although there's probably some POM cleanup work to do.

branflake2267 commented 11 years ago

Good job. I'll merge and work on the pom in the next few days.