brarcher / budget-watch

Application for personal budget management
GNU General Public License v3.0
83 stars 44 forks source link

Assignment #182

Open DNatanaelK opened 5 years ago

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

Hi there! Willing to add some features to the current application of Budget-Watch for my university assignment. There will be 3 features, Auto-complete upon filling up details, Notify warning message if budget is over the limit, able to purge all transactions (expenses and revenues). Thanks!

brarcher commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the interest!

Auto-complete upon filling up details

If you are interested in an auto-complete feature, take a look at and the discussion in

Notify warning message if budget is over the limit

Hm. Because transactions only occur when a user explicitly adds one, I'm not sure how relevant a warning would be. Do you mean a warning notification? You may need more justification on this point.

able to purge all transactions (expenses and revenues)

The only feature which is close to this is the ability to delete receipts from a date range. If one wanted to purge all data, why not clear the app's data from the Settings menu? You may need more justification on this one as well.

If there are other features which you may be interested in working on, there are some other options in the Issues section which may be worth considering. If you would like a suggestion, I could point you to one or two.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

If you are interested in an auto-complete feature, take a look at #110 and the discussion in #152.

Yes, I have seen it! I will try to implement it within the application.

Hm. Because transactions only occur when a user explicitly adds one, I'm not sure how relevant a warning would be. Do you mean a warning notification? You may need more justification on this point.

Just a pop-up warning notification, if a particular budget has been over the limit.

The only feature which is close to this is the ability to delete receipts from a date range. If one wanted to purge all data, why not clear the app's data from the Settings menu? You may need more justification on this one as well.

This feature is to be added for only transactions and revenues, for instance if users have too much transactions and revenues that are old and not used anymore, with a single click it is possible to delete them.

If there are other features which you may be interested in working on, there are some other options in the Issues section which may be worth considering. If you would like a suggestion, I could point you to one or two.

Maybe there are other suggestions? for features. And one thing that I want to know is, are there any bugs within the application? I have only found one bug which is the Budget name which was mention in the issue list.

Thanks for the reply! appreciate it.

brarcher commented 5 years ago

This feature is to be added for only transactions and revenues, for instance if users have too much transactions and revenues that are old and not used anymore, with a single click it is possible to delete them.

Transaction data does not take up that much space. I'm not sure how valuable such a feature would be, especially given that someone can wipe the data in the app fairly easily.

Just a pop-up warning notification, if a particular budget has been over the limit.

Might put this one on a back burner. I do not have a lot of confidence that it will be very useful to users. Or, maybe that is just my specific use case talking. (:

Maybe there are other suggestions? ... are there any bugs within the application?

The only bug I'm aware of is I would say the nicest feature which could be contributed besides auto complete is, which involves changing the database and migrating data.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

Okay! noted.

The only bug I'm aware of is #156.

Has this bug been fixed yet?

I would say the nicest feature which could be contributed besides auto complete is #61, which involves changing the database and migrating data.

Isn't this used to fix the Budget Name bug?

I have also seen the issue #152, it seems like it is only for the transaction activity? and there are 2 set of codes one is generalized and one is the name field, how are they different? It looks pretty similar.


brarcher commented 5 years ago

Has this bug been fixed yet?


Isn't this used to fix the Budget Name bug?

Correct. That would need to be fixed in order to fix the Budget Name bug.

I have also seen the issue #152, it seems like it is only for the transaction activity?

152 is the Auto-complete feature request. As Budgets are added so infrequently, it would be more valuable to have the auto-complete on Transactions rather than Budgets.

and there are 2 set of codes one is generalized and one is the name field, how are they different?

If you can give me function names or line numbers I can speak to them. If you see code which is fairly similar in a few places it may be an opportunity to refactor. (:

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

Correct. That would need to be fixed in order to fix the Budget Name bug.

I see, does the issue #61 solves the Budget Name bug?

152 is the Auto-complete feature request. As Budgets are added so infrequently, it would be more valuable to have the auto-complete on Transactions rather than Budgets.

I agree on this too!

If you can give me function names or line numbers I can speak to them. If you see code which is fairly similar in a few places it may be an opportunity to refactor. (:

What I meant was, I think was changed to "Add autocomplete to Name field" and then overwritten again to "Generalize autocomplete fields in transaction activity" if I'm not mistaken?


brarcher commented 5 years ago

I see, does the issue #61 solves the Budget Name bug?

There is probably something else broke in the Budget activity, as the budget renaming did work at one point (though when you rename the transactions would not follow the new name). However, without the database normalization, renaming a budget would not do what you expect.

What I meant was...

Oh, you are talking about the commits in #152. Note that the solution does not need to include those changes. You are welcome to build off of change from @clinchergt, or to propose your own solution. Please keep in mind the discussion in #152 as to what a solution should do. You will also need unit tests to test the new functionality.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

There is probably something else broke in the Budget activity, as the budget renaming did work at one point (though when you rename the transactions would not follow the new name). However, without the database normalization, renaming a budget would not do what you expect.

Oh I see, I will try and solve this, but are there perhaps any bugs other than the budget name?

Oh, you are talking about the commits in #152. Note that the solution does not need to include those changes. You are welcome to build off of change from @clinchergt, or to propose your own solution. Please keep in mind the discussion in #152 as to what a solution should do. You will also need unit tests to test the new functionality.

Noted, yes I will perform the unit tests to the new functionality.

brarcher commented 5 years ago

are there perhaps any bugs other than the budget name?

I looked through the issues and there are none that I know of. The other pending issues are feature requests or enhancements.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

I looked through the issues and there are none that I know of. The other pending issues are feature requests or enhancements.


Oh, you are talking about the commits in #152.

I tried implementing this Issue to the app and for the first one which is "Add autocomplete to Name field" it worked but when I tried implementing the second one which is "Generalize autocomplete fields in transaction activity" it did not work, even the names are not able to auto-complete. Was this issue experienced too? Or did I make some mistakes of my own.


brarcher commented 5 years ago

I've not tried the changes, as they would need to be implemented as storing data in the database instead.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago


Sorry for the late response, and thanks for your concern and replies!

Is it okay if I comment here if I have some questions?

brarcher commented 5 years ago

It may be better if you comment here for general questions as well as about what you may be interested in tackling. If you would like to work on a specific issue comment either in the related issue or a pull request that you propose.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

Hi Mr.Bracher,

For the transaction activity, perhaps are there any functions that can be used to delete all transactions? I am having a hard time configuring it or to select all the _transactionId? For the Budget Name bug I am also unable to fix it, perhaps are there any tips on how to fix it? or maybe some changes where I should focus on? I tried reading #61 but it did not really help. Would appreciate the help!

Thank you!

brarcher commented 5 years ago

The DBHelper class has methods used to manipulate the database. There currently is not a method for deleting all transactions. If you are interested in creating a new method to delete all transactions, I suggest reading the documentation on the DELETE command here, and practicing on an emulator with the sqlite3 tool to get the command just right.

If you are looking into adding the feature to delete all transactions, I'm not convinced that the feature would be that useful as is. I could see a case where removing all transactions before a certain date could be useful. There is a feature similar to this, something that will delete all receipts (images) before a certain date. You could model the selective transaction purge after that.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

If you are interested in creating a new method to delete all transactions, I suggest reading the documentation on the DELETE command here, and practicing on an emulator with the sqlite3 tool to get the command just right.

Okay I will look into this! I tried working around the database, didn't seem to work yet, will try it again!

There is a feature similar to this, something that will delete all receipts (images) before a certain date. You could model the selective transaction purge after that.

Yeap, I have seen this!

If you are looking into adding the feature to delete all transactions, I'm not convinced that the feature would be that useful as is.

For the bug fix, it has to do with the database too? I tried working around #61 but I could not catch the important points of it and the Bug was not fixed.

Thanks for the reply and time!

brarcher commented 5 years ago

For the bug fix, it has to do with the database too? I tried working around #61 but I could not catch the important points of it and the Bug was not fixed.

I think that the bug where the budget name cannot be changed is something unrelated to the database normalization. The budget should be able to be renamed. However, without fixing the database normalization, renaming a budget will effectively be like creating a new budget, in that it will not have any transactions follow it.

So, let me ask about this university assignment. Is the purpose to contribute to an open source project in some capacity? How much time are you expected to dedicate? If you are looking for a bug which is probably less involved, I have a few other apps you could contribute to. Here are some examples of bugs:, Additionally, was logged recently and you could investigate that if you want.

DNatanaelK commented 5 years ago

I think that the bug where the budget name cannot be changed is something unrelated to the database normalization. The budget should be able to be renamed. However, without fixing the database normalization, renaming a budget will effectively be like creating a new budget, in that it will not have any transactions follow it.

Yeah, I tried working around the database and it did not solve the bug.

So, let me ask about this university assignment. Is the purpose to contribute to an open source project in some capacity? How much time are you expected to dedicate?

I am supposed to add features into an application and solve at least one known bug, for the adding of features part I am almost done, but for the bug fixing I am not quite there yet. It is to be done by next week.

If you are looking for a bug which is probably less involved, I have a few other apps you could contribute to. Here are some examples of bugs: brarcher/loyalty-card-locker#233, brarcher/loyalty-card-locker#167.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I have to stick to one application, which is the Budget Watch.

Additionally, #183 was logged recently and you could investigate that if you want.

Yes I have seen this, but I have not reproduce the bug yet. Is this bug is about layout styles? for the intro pages? I think the user that issued this has too less of information of the bug itself.

brarcher/loyalty-card-locker#233, brarcher/loyalty-card-locker#167

I just realized that you have other applications developed! I will check and try them out too!

Thanks for the time and reply!

DamageIncorporated commented 5 years ago

Notify warning message if budget is over the limit

Hm. Because transactions only occur when a user explicitly adds one, I'm not sure how relevant a warning would be. Do you mean a warning notification? You may need more justification on this point.

I would consider a warning useful too. when adding a transaction I may be not aware that this is the one too exceed the budget it belongs to. I agree that I won't cancel the transaction at this point: The money is already spent but it would be good to be notified that I've reached or passed my limit for this month and it's time to apply the spending-break... I've added #185 today to tackle the problem from another angle.