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Frontend & CMS server of the Bratislava City Gallery website.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Accessibility: suggestions from Mrs Pivkova #249

Open SabinaHrabinova opened 1 month ago

SabinaHrabinova commented 1 month ago

The link to the transcript hotline on the GMB and City Museum website needs to be corrected:

the link to the museum's hotline was mistakenly used on the GMB website, but it is technically connected to the museum's regular phone line. The Gallery has two transcription hotlines, one for each building: the Mirbach Palace and the Pálffy Palace, and each transcription hotline link is technically connected to the regular telephone line of the respective palace, so this should be correctly stated on the website as well

on the Municipal Museum page, the link is stuck to the billing information and thus difficult to find: , just scroll down, otherwise the link is correct.

Below is an overview of the correct links to the infoline (they look the same but have a different number)

The correction is important, among other things, because we entered these Communication Without Barriers services as a city in the Innovation in Politics Awards.

Tourist Information Centre BTB, BA

BA City Library, beautiful and foreign-language literature

Bratislava City Gallery, Mirbach Palace

Gallery of the City of Bratislava, Pálfy Palace

Museum of the City of Bratislava, Old Town Hall