bratislava / paas-mpa

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Feature/#74 datepicker #76

Closed radoslavzeman closed 8 months ago

radoslavzeman commented 8 months ago

Custom DateTime picker implemented. I took one from "Po meste" project and styled and simplified it for our use-case. It may need further styling or adjusting, I didn't want to spend much time on it. It seems to work correctly so far.

Note: We may discuss how to pass parameters between screens once again :D


radoslavzeman commented 8 months ago

Not sure about mixing the local and global search params. Questions:

  • choose-vehicle and custom time seem like very similar screensm yet one uses global and one local parameters. Is this a typo ? If it's not , this is quite strange and might be a place for future errors
  • I'm not certain about using the global params at all - can we do this without them ?
  • it seems we're bringig params to choose-vehicle / custom-time only to then send them back (correct?) - if so, can we do without this ? Somehow merge the params ? Perhaps even - having a local state as the source of truth into which search params are being merged as they are listened for, instead of the params being the source of truth.

Skipped over the date-time controls, treating them more or less like copied-over blackboxes.

Yeah, I was not sure how to make it work. I replaced all Global params by Local params and I'll dig into this state sharing soon.