brave / adblock-lists

Maintains adblock lists that Brave uses
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Investigation: Easylist audit: Unexpected direct exceptions & protocol filters #14

Open lukemulks opened 7 years ago

lukemulks commented 7 years ago

Investigate primary .Txt list. Some 3p networks showing up with exceptions in ABP on Chrome w/acceptable ads disabled. Need to check impact on Brave blocking.

More info to come, when I get in front of a keyboard.

bbondy commented 7 years ago

Thanks EasyList is in need of an audit. Also if we can do things by still getting updates. I could help with combining a blacklist of rules to filter out before we use easylist.

lukemulks commented 7 years ago

Fantastic @bbondy thanks!

My goal is to have this knocked out before 1.0 - I think it's workable.

I'm noticing two major things -

1. Quick repro example for showing these exceptions directly made in Easylist. It's pretty nuts in this one example alone, and this is without the separate "exceptions list" applied - we should only see exceptions for webcompat, so this looks like we're seeing something new w/their approach.

Here's a quick method to repro...

In Chrome:

I see a lot of ads display in Chrome, and I also see a lot of ad domains in the Exceptions list (windows 10)...Many more examples so far.

Then, compare against dev tools in Brave. We block a ton of the exceptions, but I can see a couple we should flag (and will).

An audit will be really healthy, and I'm going to begin dumping the exceptions that I'm investigating in the comment that will follow this one. That's awesome about the blacklist too. Confident we'll be able to knock this out.

2. Applying Easylist Websocket Filters in Brave

! websocket-ads $websocket,|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

lukemulks commented 7 years ago

Note: This list will be added to, as I continue to go thru these blanket exceptions from the Easylist...


! IL

bbondy commented 7 years ago

@lukemulks for the websockets issue please post a different issue for it. I think we should move to the extensions web request APIs to get it for free rather than the way electron has it.

lukemulks commented 7 years ago

sounds good @bbondy will do.