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Shields v2 UI Refresh #18630

Closed rebron closed 2 years ago

rebron commented 3 years ago


Update to new designs and refactor Shields to use mojom api


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GeetaSarvadnya commented 2 years ago

Verification PASSED on

Brave | 1.38.75 Chromium: 100.0.4896.60 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
-- | --
Revision | 6a5d10861ce8de5fce22564658033b43cb7de047-refs/branch-heads/4896@{#875}
OS | Windows 10 Version 21H2 (Build 19044.1586)

1. Clean profile

Compare v1 and v2 local site shield settings count

Case 1: Adblocking_Local site shiled settings_PASSED - Confirmed shield v2 is set to enabled by default Brave://flags | website v2 shield -----|------ ![image]( | ![image]( **Case 1:** - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open a website and click on shield make note of trackers and ad block count - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the already opened - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel **`Trackers count on the v1 shield panel`** | **`Trackers count on the v2 shield panel`** ----|----- ![image]( | ![image]( **Case 2:** - Change the adblocking settings to "Aggressive" - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers count is the same on the shields panel **`Trackers count on the v1 shield panel`** | **`Trackers count on the v2 shield panel`** ----|----- ![image]( | ![image]( **Case 3:** - Change the adblocking settings to "Allow" - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is removed from the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers are allowed on both the shields and the trackers count is `0` on both shields **`Trackers count on the v1 shield panel`** | **`Trackers count on the v2 shield panel`** ----|----- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 2: Fingerprintblocking_Local site shiled settings_PASSED - Confirmed that `Block fingerprint` is selected by default Case 1: `Aggressively block fingerprinting` - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Select the `Aggressively block fingerprinting` option - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: `Allow fingerprinting` - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Select the `Aggressively block fingerprinting` option - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 3: `Block fingerprinting` - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Ensured block fingerprint is selected by default in fingerprint dropdown - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 3: Block cookies_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Ensured block cross-site cookies are selected by default in the block cookies dropdown - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Ensured `block all cookies` are selected by default in the block cookies dropdown - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 3: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Ensured `Allow all cookies` are selected by default in the block cookies dropdown - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 4: Upgrade connection to HTTPS_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any site, click on the shield and expand the advanced view and ensured the HTTPS upgrade switch is ON by default - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Open - Make sure HTTPS upgrade is working as expected, encountered v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any site, click on the shield and expand the advanced view and disable the HTTPS upgrade switch - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Open - Make sure HTTPS upgrade should not happen as HTTPS upgrade toggle is OFF v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 5: Block scripts_Local site shiled settings_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Open the website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Turn `Block scripts` to ON - Ensure that the scripts are blocked on the and blocked java scripts count is shown on the shield - Ensure that the click on blocked scripts count lists all the java scripts which are blocked on - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v2 | v1 -- | -- ![image]( | ![image](

Compare v1 and v2 Global shield settings count

Case 1: Adblocking_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and change the default AdBlock settings to "Aggressive" - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "Aggressive" is selected in the AdBlock dropdown - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel v2 | v1 | List of trackers ----|-----|---- ![image]( | ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and change the default AdBlock settings to "Disabled" - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "Allow" is selected in the AdBlock dropdown - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel v2 | v1 ----|----- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 2: Fingerprintblocking_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and change the default AdBlock settings to "Strict, may break sites" - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "Aggressively block fingerprinting" is selected in the Fingerprinting dropdown - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel v2 | v1 | List of trackers ----|-----|---- ![image]( | ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and change the default AdBlock settings to "Disabled" - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "Allow fingerprinting" is selected in the Fingerprinting dropdown - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel v2 | v1 ----|----- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 3: Block cookies_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and change the default AdBlock settings to "All" - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "Block all cookies" is selected in the Block cookies dropdown - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel v2 | v1 | List of trackers ----|-----|---- ![image]( |![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and change the default AdBlock settings to "Disabled" - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "Allow all cookies" is selected in the Block cookies dropdown - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel v2 | v1 ----|----- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 4: Upgrade connection to HTTPS_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and make sure upgrade to HTTPS switch is enabled - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "upgrade to HTTPS " is enabled - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Open - Make sure HTTPS upgrade is working as expected, encountered Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and disable upgrade to HTTPS switch - Open a website and click on the shield and expand the "advanced view" and ensured "upgrade to HTTPS " is disabled - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Open - Make sure HTTPS upgrade should NOT happen (even though the HTTPS component is up-to-date in brave://components) as HTTPS upgrade global switch is OFF
Case 5: Block scripts_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and enable block scripts toggle - Open a website and ensure scripts are blocked and the website doesn't load - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel Example | Example -- | --- ![image]( | ![image]( v2 | v1 | List of javascript blocked ----|-----|---- ![image]( | ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and disable block scripts toggle - Open a website and expand the advanced view and ensured the "Block scripts" toggle is disabled - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Reload the website and ensure the website loads and there are no scripts blocked - Make sure the v1 and v2 shield trackers count is the same on the shield badges - Click on each shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the shields panel Example | Example -- | --- ![image]( | ![image]( v2 | v1 ----|----- ![image]( | ![image](

2. Upgrade profile

Local site shield settings

Case 1: Adblocking_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case1: Default settings upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and ensured ads and trackers are blocked for and the tracker's count is shown in the shield - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the default AdBlock setting "trackers and Adblock (standard)" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that adblocking settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart 1.37.x | 1.38.x -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 2: Change Adblocking to "Allow" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the adblocking settings to "Allow" - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are allowed the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed AdBlock setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that adblocking settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart 1.37.x | 1.38.x -- | -- ![image]( | ![image]( Case 3: Change Adblocking to "Aggressive" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the adblocking settings to "Aggressive" - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed AdBlock setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that adblocking settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart
Case 2: Fingerprintblocking_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case1: Default settings upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and ensured the default Fingerprinting setting is selected - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the default Fingerprinting setting "trackers and Adblock (standard)" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Fingerprinting settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 2: Change Fingerprinting to "Allow" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Fingerprinting settings to "Allow" - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Fingerprinting setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Fingerprinting settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 3: Change Fingerprinting to "Aggressive" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Fingerprinting settings to "Aggressive" - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Fingerprinting setting "Aggressive" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Fingerprinting settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart
Case 3: Block cookies_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case1: Default settings upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and ensured the default Block cookies setting is selected - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the default Block cookies setting "block cookies (standard)" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Block cookies settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 2: Change block cookies to "Allow" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Block cookies settings to "Allow" - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Block cookies setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Block cookies settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 3: Change block cookies to "Aggressive" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Block cookies settings to "Aggressive" - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Block cookies setting "Aggressive" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Block cookies settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart
Case 4: Upgrade connection to HTTPS_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.37.x - Open any site, click on the shield and expand the advanced view and ensured the HTTPS upgrade switch is ON by default - Open and ensured the HTTPS upgrade works fine - Upgrade the profile 1.38.x - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Make sure the HTTPS upgrade is working as expected and the HTTPS upgrade switch is enabled, encountered Case 2: - Clean profile 1.37.x - Open any site, click on the shield and expand the advanced view and disable the HTTPS upgrade switch - Open and ensured the HTTPS upgrade doesn't work - Upgrade the profile 1.38.x - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Confirmed HTTPS upgrade switch is disabled and HTTPS upgrade doesn't work as HTTPS upgrade switch is disabled
Case 5: Block scripts_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean install 1.37.x - Open any site and enable the block scripts - Open and ensured scripts are blocked on the and site doesn't load - Upgrade the profile to 1.38.x - Confirmed block scripts switch is retained and scripts are blocked on - Confirmed block scripts switch state can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirm block scripts switch state is retained after the browser restart Case 2: - Clean install 1.37.x - Open any site and disable the block scripts - Open and ensured scripts are NOT blocked on the and site loads correctly - Upgrade the profile to 1.38.x - Confirmed block scripts switch is retained and scripts are NOT blocked on - Confirmed block scripts switch state can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirm block scripts switch state is retained after the browser restart

Global shield settings

Case 1: Adblocking_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case1: Default settings upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and ensured ads and trackers are blocked for and the tracker's count is shown in the shield - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the default AdBlock setting "trackers and Adblock (standard)" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that adblocking settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 2: Change Adblocking to "Allow" in global settings and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the adblocking settings to "Allow" in brave://settings/shields - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are allowed the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed AdBlock setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that adblocking settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 3: Change Adblocking to "Aggressive" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the adblocking settings to "Aggressive" in brave://settings/shields - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed AdBlock setting "Aggressive" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that adblocking settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart
Case 2: Fingerprintblocking_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case1: Default settings upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and ensured the default Fingerprinting setting is selected - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the default Fingerprinting setting "trackers and Adblock (standard)" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Fingerprinting settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 2: Change Fingerprinting to "Allow" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Fingerprinting settings to "Allow" in global settings - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Fingerprinting setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Fingerprinting settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 3: Change Fingerprinting to "Aggressive" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Fingerprinting settings to "Aggressive" in global settings - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Fingerprinting setting "Aggressive" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Fingerprinting settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart
Case 3: Block cookies_Global site shiled settings_PASSED Case1: Default settings upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and ensured the default Block cookies setting is selected - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the default Block cookies setting "block cookies (standard)" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Block cookies settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 2: Change block cookies to "Allow" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Block cookies settings to "Allow" in global settings - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Block cookies setting "Allow" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Block cookies settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart Case 3: Change block cookies to "Aggressive" and then upgrade - Install `1.37.x` open the website and select the Block cookies settings to "Aggressive" in global settings - Upgrade the profile to `1.38.105` - Enable v1 shield via brave://flags - Reload the website - Ensure that the trackers and ads are blocked the same as in 1.37.x - Confirmed that the changed Block cookies setting "Aggressive" is retained after the upgrade - Confirmed that Block cookies settings can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirmed that changed settings are retained after the browser restart
Case 4: Upgrade connection to HTTPS_global site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean profile 1.37.x - Open any site, click on the shield and expand the advanced view and ensured the HTTPS upgrade switch is ON by default - Open and ensured the HTTPS upgrade works fine - Upgrade the profile 1.38.x - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Make sure the HTTPS upgrade is working as expected and the HTTPS upgrade switch is enabled, encountered Case 2: - Clean profile 1.37.x - Open any site, click on the shield and expand the advanced view and disable the HTTPS upgrade switch - Open and ensured the HTTPS upgrade doesn't work - Upgrade the profile 1.38.x - Go to brave://flags and enable the v1 shield - Confirmed HTTPS upgrade switch is disabled and HTTPS upgrade doesn't work as HTTPS upgrade switch is disabled
Case 5: Block scripts_Local site shiled settings_PASSED Case 1: - Clean install 1.37.x - Open any site and enable the block scripts - Open and ensured scripts are blocked on the and site doesn't load - Upgrade the profile to 1.38.x - Confirmed block scripts switch is retained and scripts are blocked on - Confirmed block scripts switch state can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirm block scripts switch state is retained after the browser restart Case 2: - Clean install 1.37.x - Open any site and disable the block scripts - Open and ensured scripts are NOT blocked on the and site loads correctly - Upgrade the profile to 1.38.x - Confirmed block scripts switch is retained and scripts are NOT blocked on - Confirmed block scripts switch state can be altered in an upgraded profile - Confirm block scripts switch state is retained after the browser restart

5. Site shield settings in Private window

Case 1: Per site shiled settings are propagated to private windows_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open a site in the normal window - Change the local site shield settings for the site - 1. `Block the scripts` 2. `Aggressively block trackers and ads` 3. `Block fingerprinting` 4. `Block cross-site cookies` - Open the private window and open - Confirmed the CNN site shield settings are retained in the Private tab Normal window | Private window ----- | ----- ![image]( | ![image](
Case 2: Updated global shiled settings are propagated to Private windows_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open a site in the normal window - Change the global shield settings - Open a site A and confirmed global shield settings are retained in the normal window - Open the private window and open a site A - Confirmed that the global shield settings are retained in the Private tab
Case 3: Verify that updated per site shield settings in Private window are NOT propagated to Normal window_PASSED - Make changes to shield settings in the Private tab (e.g Allow ads and trackers) - Go to the normal window and open and confirm shield settings changes are NOT retained in the normal window Private window | Normal window ---- | ---- ![image]( | ![image](

6. Verify disable per site shield settings propagated to all the tabs

Case 1: Disable local shield settings for a site A_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in tab 1 - Disable the default site shield settings for Adblock, Fingerprint, and block cookies (allow all the settings) - Make sure disabled site settings are retained for the site A in tab 1 - Open site A in tab2 - Confirmed that updated site shield settings are retained in tab 2 for the site A
Case 2: Disable global shield settings for a site A_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and disable the default global shield settings (allow all the settings) - Open any website A in tab 1 - Make sure disabled global shield settings are retained for the site A in tab 1 - Open site A in tab 2 - Confirmed that disabled global shield settings are retained in tab 2 for the site A
Case 3: Turn OFF the per site shield switch_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in tab 1 - Disable the shield switch - Make sure disabled settings are retained for the site A in tab 1 - Open site A in tab2 - Confirmed that disabled site shield settings are retained in tab 2 for the site A

7. Verify disable per site shield settings propagated to all the windows

Case 1: Disable local shield settings for a site A in window 1_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in win 1 - Disable the default site shield settings for Adblock, Fingerprint, and block cookies (allow all the settings) - Make sure updated site shield settings are retained for the site A in win 1 - Open site A in win 2 - Confirmed that disabled site shield settings are retained in win 2 for the site A
Case 2: Disable global shield settings for a site A_ in windows 1_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and disable the default global shield settings (allow all the settings) - Open any website A in win 1 - Make sure disabled global shield settings are retained for the site A in win 1 - Open site A in win 2 - Confirmed that disabled global shield settings are retained in win 2 for the site A
Case 3: Turn OFF the per site shield switch_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in win 1 - Disable the shield switch - Make sure disabled settings are retained for the site A in win 1 - Open site A in win 2 - Confirmed that disabled site shield settings are retained in win 2 for the site A

8. Verify change per site shield settings propagated to all the tabs

Case 1: Change local shield settings for a site A_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in tab 1 - Change the default site shield settings for Adblock, Fingerprint, and block cookies - Make sure changed site settings are retained for the site A in tab 1 - Open site A in tab2 - Confirmed that updated site shield settings are retained in tab 2 for the site A
Case 2: Changed global shield settings for a site A_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open global shield settings and disable the default global shield settings - Open any website A in tab 1 - Make sure changed global shield settings are retained for the site A in tab 1 - Open site A in tab 2 - Confirmed that changed global shield settings are retained in tab 2 for the site A

9. Verify change per site shield settings propagated to all the windows

Case 1: Change local shield settings for a site A_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in win 1 - Change the default local shield settings for Adblock, Fingerprint, and block cookies - Make sure per site shield settings are retained for the site A in win 1 - Open site A in win 2 - Confirmed that per site shield settings are retained in win 2 for the site A
Case 2: Changed global shield settings for a site A_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open any website A in win 1 - Change the default global shield settings for Adblock, Fingerprint, and block cookies - Make sure changed global shield settings are retained for the site A in win 1 - Open site A in win 2 - Confirmed that changed global shield settings are retained in win 2 for the site A

10. Verify Show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon

Case 1: Disable show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon settings propagated to all the tabs_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open brave://settings/shields - Turn off the `Show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon` switch - Open a site A in tab 1 - Ensured the number of blocked items is NOT shown on the shield in the tab 1 - Open a site A in tab 2 - Ensured the number of blocked items is NOT shown on the shield in the tab 2
Case 2: Disable show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon settings propagated to all the windows_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open brave://settings/shields - Turn off the `Show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon` switch - Open a site A in win 1 - Ensured the number of blocked items is NOT shown on the shield in the win 1 - Open a site A in win 2 - Ensured the number of blocked items is NOT shown on the shield in the win 2
Case 3: Disable show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon settings propagated to private windows_PASSED - Clean profile 1.38.x - Open brave://settings/shields - Turn off the `Show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon` switch - Open a site A in the normal window - Ensured the number of blocked items is NOT shown on the shield in the normal window - Open a site A in the private window - Ensured the number of blocked items is NOT shown on the shield in the private window
MadhaviSeelam commented 2 years ago

Verification In Progress using

Brave 1.38.90 Chromium: 100.0.4896.79 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
Revision 8fb749dcab8700c24213791969e59deb72fee36f-refs/branch-heads/4896@{#1015}
OS Windows 11 Version 21H2 (Build 22000.593)
Brave 1.38.104 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision 93c720db8323b3ec10d056025ab95c23a31997c9-refs/branch-heads/4951@{#904}
OS Windows 11 Version 21H2 (Build 22000.613)

opened #22214 opened #22217 Filed

Test Case 1: Verified `Enable Brave Shields v2` flag for Shields v2 is available by default and a flag for legacy v1 is available in brave://flags
- Verified `Enable Brave Shields v2` flag is displayed as a default option - Verified `Enable Brave Shields v1` flag is available as a default as well. - Enabling `Enable Brave Shields v1` flag, adds old shields icon in the location bar V2_default|V1_flag|v1_v2_URLbar ---|---|--- V2 shields default|V1 flag available|V1 enabled - V2 default - both showed on location bar
Test Case 2 Verified `Shields `badge blocked counts via icon-tip in the location bar for a website when `Shields` are `UP` as a default
- Visit `` - `Lion` icon is displayed in the location bar as active - If the `Shields` badge is active, it should render blocked count up to two digits - Single digit trackers count - Visit `` - Blocked count on the `Shields` badge rendered in single digit (5) - V2 shields count matched with V1 count - Double digit trackers count (10-99) - Blocked count on the `Shields` badge rendered in double digit (15) - Hover over Shields icon, tooltip displayed Brave Shields 15 `trackers ads and more blocked` - V2 shields count matched with V1 count - If tracker count is >99, Shields icon-tip displays 99+ - Visit in separate tab - Clicked on the < and > arrows on the mid-page content until Shields icon show 99+ - Blocked count on the `Shields` badge rendered > (99+) - Hover over `Shields` badge, tooltip text displayed `Brave Shields 126 trackers, ads and more blockers` - V2 shields count matched with V1 count Singledigit|doubledigit|>99 ---|---|--- V1 V2 shield count - single digit|v1-v2 -double digit trackers|99+ blockers - v1-v2
Test Case 3: V Verified Shields panel when Shields are `DOWN` -UI
- Visit `` - Click `Shields` badge - Toggle off to disable `Shields` - Shields icon display grey color and no count is rendered on the badge - Hover over the icon and tooltip text displayed `Brave Shields` - Compared V2 to V1 shields down
Test Case 4: Verified Shields panel when Shields are UP - UI
- Visit - Clicked Shields badge in the URL bar - Verified Shields panel UI match to Figma design - Verified text matches to the spec - Text reads Shields are `UP` for` - Colors for toggle buttons in the panel - Visited site's URL and favicon displayed in the panel - Blocked count (15) accurate in the panel for `Trackers, ads, and more blocked` compared with V1 shields - Shields` toggle is ON' as a default and able to Toggle OFF` - Verified Shields panel not displayed when clicked on the Shields badge from internal pages eg. brave://about - Verified Shields icon appears inactive in grey color with the internal page eg. brave://rewards - Clicked Learn more link - Link opens to ` page` - Return to previous tab i.e website ( and click Shields icon - Shields panel displayed correct `Brave` favicon) - Verified `Advanced Controls` panel expand and collapse - Able to expand and collapse by clicking on image, Advanced Controls label, Up and down arrows A drop down menu with 3 options is available for `Block trackers & ads` - Block trackers & ads - Aggressively block trackers & ads - Allow trackers & ads - `Upgrade connections to HTTPS` is enabled by default - `Block scripts` is disabled by default - `Block Fingerprinting` is enabled by default - `Block cross-site cookies` is enabled by default - Clicking `Filter Lists` redirects to `brave://adblock` page - Clicking `Global defaults` redirects to `brave://settings/shields` page - V2 shields|V1 shields|inactivebadgeInternalpages|Noshieldspanelfrominternalpages ---|---|---|--- V2 Shields|V1 Shields|inactivebadgeInternalpages|Noshieldspanelfrominternalpages
Test Case 5: Verify `Block trackers & ads` as a default in the Advanced Controls view
- Visit `` - Click Shields icon to display Shields panel - Expand Advance controls - Verified `Block trackers & ads option` displayed as a default - AdBlock count should match to `Trackers, ads, and more` count - AdBlock count should match to the count on the `Shields` badge - Hover over the blocked count and tooltip display actual Adblock count - Verify Adblock count match to V1 shields - Verified scrollbar is displayed only when is an overflow from visible box for blocked count - Visit in separate tab - Clicked on Shields icon in the location bar - Clicked on Advance controls - Clicked on the AdBlock count (29) for Block trackers & ads to display detailed view of the blockers and ads - Detailed view box should display correct count 114 trackers & ads - Click + on one of the trackers to expand - Scroll bar is enabled to view the the detailed blockers - Click Shields to return to Shields panel - Verified if Adblock counts in >3 digit, the flyout box expands to accommodate the number - Verified with '` site for `Block trackers & ads` option rendered `1026` Adblock count - Verified Shields state `UP` is preserved when reopened - after closing browser - after closing the tab - after crashing the tab ex1|overflow scrollbar|adblockcount>3digit ---|--- Block trackers and Ads| Block trackers and Ads-scrollbar|
Test Case 6: Verify `Aggressively Block trackers & ads` in the Advanced Controls view
- Visit `` - Click Shields icon to display Shields panel - Expand Advance controls - Select `Aggressively Block trackers & ads` option - Verified `Aggressively Block trackers & ads` option displayed - AdBlock count matched to `Trackers, ads, and more` count (21) - AdBlock count matched to the count on the `Shields` badge (21) - Hover over the blocked count and tooltip display actual Adblock count (21) - Verify Adblock count match to V1 shields (21) - Verified scrollbar is displayed only when is an overflow from visible box for blocked count - Visit in a separate tab - Clicked on Shields icon in the location bar - Clicked Advance controls - Clicked on the AdBlock count (90) for `Aggressively Block trackers & ads` to display detailed view of the blockers and ads - Detailed view box should display correct count 90 trackers & ads - Click + on one of the trackers to expand - Scroll bar is enabled to view the detailed blockers - Click Shields to return to Shields panel ex1|adblock count|overflow scrollbar| ----|----|---- aggressive Trackers|aggressive tracker|scrollbar for aggressive
Test Case 7: Verify `Allow all trackers & ads` in the Advanced controls view - UI and Functionality
- Visit `` - Click Shields icon to display Shields panel - Expand Advance controls - Select `Allow all trackers & ads` option - AdBlock count matched to `Trackers, ads, and more` count (0) - AdBlock count matched to the count on the `Shields` badge - Nothing displayed - Verified Adblock count match to V1 shields - (0) Allow all trackers
Test Case 8: Verified `Upgrade connections to HTTPS`
- Enabled V1 Shields in brave://flags - Compared V2 with V1 - Navigated to - Page redirected and protocol is https (Page is green) - Turn off Shields in the Shields panel - Reload - Confirm the page displays red and - enable Shields - disable Connections upgraded to HTTPS - reload - confirm you stay on that page ex1|ex2|ex3 ---|---|--- https-1|https-2|https-3
Test Case 9: Verified `Block scripts` functionality in the Advanced Controls view - UI and Functionality
Case 1: Verified Default Setting `OFF` for `Block scripts - Visit https site `` - Keep the default setting for `Block scripts` in the Shields panel - `OFF` - Keep the rest of the settings at default - `Block Trackers & ads` displayed blocked `97` count V2_shields|V1_shields ---|--- V2_Block_scripts_OFF |V1_Block_scripts_OFF
Case 1: Verified `Block scripts` with Toggle `ON` - Visit https site `` - Toggle `ON` for `Block scripts` - Keep the rest of the settings at default - Block Trackers & ads` displayed blocked correct count V2_shields|V1_shields ---|--- V2_Block_scripts_ON|V1_Block_scripts_ON
Test Case 10: Verify `Fingerprinting` options in the Advanced Controls view - UI and Functionality
- Visit - Click Shields icon to display Shields panel - Expand Advance controls - A drop down menu with 3 options is available - Block fingerprinting - Aggressively block fingerprinting - Allow fingerprinting - Verified `Block fingerprinting` displayed as a default V2|V1 ---|--- Fingerprinting options-V2|Fingerprinting options -V1
Case 1: Verified `Block fingerprinting` as a default - Launch a new profile - Load - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to view shields panel - Click Advance controls - Verified Block fingerprinting option is a default - Click Fingerprint me! button - Fingerprinting worked as expected V2|V1 ---|--- V2-beta-default-after|<V1-beta-default-after
Case 2: Verified `Aggressive block fingerprinting` as an option - Launch a new profile - Load - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to view shields panel - Click Advance controls - Verified `Aggressive block fingerprinting` option - Click Fingerprint me! button - Fingerprinting breaks and can only see red baseline V2|V1 ---|--- V2-Beta-Strict-after|Beta-Strict-after
Case 3: Verified `Allow Fingerprinting` as an option - Launch a new profile - Load - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to view shields panel - Click Advance controls - Verified `Aggressive block fingerprinting` option - Click Fingerprint me! button - Fingerprinting works as expected V2-beta-after-allow|<V1-beta-after allow
Test Case 11: Verify `Block cross-site cookies` in the Advanced Controls view - UI and Functionality
- Visit `` - Click Shields icon to display Shields panel - Expand Advance controls - A drop down menu with 3 options is available - Block cross-site cookies - Block all cookies - Allow all cookies - Verified `Block cross-site cookies` displayed as a default - All three areas showed blocked count
Test Case 12: Verify UI and Functionality for brave://settings/shields
- Verified UI for Global defaults panel for Shields matches to Figma spec - Verified default settings matches to the Shields panel - Shields badge is inactive in the brave://settings/shields - Clicked on `Brave Rewards` to redirect `brave://rewards` page - Rest of the functionality is tested at
Test Case 13: Verify Speedreader functionality with Shields
Case 1: Verified when `Speedreader mode` `OFF` Shields block work as expected - Visit - Click to open a news article - Speedreader icon is available and is OFF - Verify Shields icon display blocked count with default selections on the Shields panel speedreader_off
Case 2: Verified when `Speedreader mode` `ON`, no count displayed on Shields - Visit - Click to open a news article - Speedreader icon is available and is OFF - Verify Shields icon do not display blocked count with default selections on the Shields panel as the most would be blocked out. speedreader_ON
Test Case 14: Verify Shields functionality in single and multiple tabs
-Verified Shields functionality in multiple tabs using above test plan and results were as expected Mutliple tabs - default
Test Case 15: Verify Shields functionality for Multiple windows
- Verified Shields functionality in multiple windows using above test plan and results were as expected. Open any site 1 in win 1 ( Change the default local shield settings for Adblock, Fingerprint, and block cookies Make sure per site shield settings are retained for the site 1 in win 1 Open site 2 in win 2 ( Confirmed that per site shield settings are retained in win 2 for the site 2 win1_default|win2_default|win1_aggr|win2_aggr|win1_allow|win2_allow ---|---|---|---|---|--- windows 1- default|windows 2-default|Windows 1- aggressive|Windows 2-aggressive|windows 2-allow|windows 1-allow win1-https|win2-https|win_block_cookies|win2_block_cookies ---|---|---|--- windows 1- block cross-site cookies|windows 1- block all cookies
Test Case 16: Verified Shields functionality works as expected with default settings upon Upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Visited `` - Clicked on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Clicked on Shields panel to verify default options are correctly displayed - Upgrade to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Visited `` - Clicked on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified default settings are selected as expected V1-default_before_upgrade|V2-default_after_upgrade ---|--- V1-default_before_upgrade|<V2-default_before_upgrade
Test Case 17: Verified `Aggressively block trackers & ads` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Visit `` - Select Trackers & ads blocked (aggressive) setting - Upgrade to 1.38.103 - Launch Brave - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified renamed option of `Aggressively block trackers & ads` retained as selected - Verified all the other defaults retained
Test Case 18:Verified `Allow all trackers & ads` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Visit `` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Select `Allow all trackers & ads` setting - Upgrade to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Visit `` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified `Allow all trackers & ads` retained - Verified all the other defaults retained
Test Case 19:Verified `Connections upgraded to HTTPS` `OFF` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - -Page is redirected and protocol is https (page is green) - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Turn off Shields - Reload - Confirm the page displays red and - Enable Shields - Disable Connections upgraded to HTTPS - Reload - Upgrade to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified ``Connections upgraded to HTTPS` setting remained as disabled - Verified all the other defaults retained
Test Case 20:Verified `Scripts blocked` `ON` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Visit '` - Selected option of `Scripts blocked` setting - Upgrade to 1.38.103 - Launch Brave - Visit '` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified `Scripts blocked` setting remained as selected - Verified all the other defaults retained
Test Case 21: Verified `Cookies blocked` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Visit '` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Selected `Cookies blocked` setting - Upgrade to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Visit '` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified `Cookies blocked` setting remained as enabled - Verified all the other defaults retained
Test Case 22: Verified `Allow all cookies ` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Visit '` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Selected `All cookies allowed` - Upgrade to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Visit '` - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified renamed option of `Allow all cookies` setting remained as selected - Verified all the other defaults retained v1_before_upgrade|v2_after_upgrade ---|--- V1-before_upgrade_allow all cookies|V2-afterupgradeallowallcookies
Test Case 23: Verified `Aggressively block fingerprinting` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Visit - Selected `Fingerprinting blocked (strict, may break sites)` - Upgraded to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Visit - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified renamed option of `Aggressively block fingerprinting` setting remained as selection option - Click on the Fingerprint me button on the page - Fingerprinting should not work - Verified all the other defaults retained v1_before_upgrae|v2_after_upgrade ---|--- V1-Fingerprinting_aggressive|V2-aggfingerprint_afterupgrade
Test Case 24: Verified `Allow fingerprinting` setting is retained after upgrade
- Installed 1.37.114 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 - Launch brave - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Visit - Selected `Allow all fingerprinting` - Click on the Fingerprint me button on the page - Fingerprinting should not work - Upgraded to 1.38.104 - Launch Brave - Visit - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar to open Shields panel - Verified renaming option of `Allow fingerprinting` setting remained as selected option - Click on the Fingerprint me button on the page - Fingerprinting should not work - Verified all the other defaults retained
Test Case 25: Verified Shields settings in Private window
- Clean profile - Open in a normal window - Change the local site Shields settings for - 1.Block the scripts 2. Aggressively block trackers and ads 3. Block fingerprinting 4. Block cross-site cookies - Open a Private window and load - Confirmed the site Shields settings are retained in the Private tab ex1|ex2 ---|--- Normal windows|Private windows
Test Case 26:Verified `Report a broken site` modal displayed when Shields are DOWN
- install 1.38.104 - launch Brave - visit - Turn OFF Shields - Click Report site button - Report a broken site modal is displayed - Verify modal UI matches to figma - Fill in the details and click submit - Thank you message is displayed ex1|ex2 ---|--- Report broken site|Thank you modal1
Test Case 27: Verified Shields UI in dark theme
-Verified Shields panel and global settings page in dark theme ex1|ex2|ex3|ex4|ex5 ---|---|---|---|--- Dark theme-Shields UP|<Dark theme-shields down|dark theme-shields_panel|Dark theme-overflow|Dark theme-settings shields page
stephendonner commented 2 years ago

Verification PASSED using

Brave 1.38.105 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Revision 93c720db8323b3ec10d056025ab95c23a31997c9-refs/branch-heads/4951@{#904}
OS macOS Version 11.6.5 (Build 20G527)


Brave 1.38.93 Chromium: 100.0.4896.88 (Official Build) beta (x86_64)
Revision 4450653bfa91182e85723d8f1dee64dd6ce40ed4-refs/branch-heads/4896@{#1086}
OS macOS Version 12.4 (Build 21F5048e)

1. Clean profile - PASSED

Compare v1 and v2 local site (panel) Shield settings count

Case 1: Ad-blocking local site Shields settings - PASSED - Confirmed Shields v2 is set to `Enabled` by default Brave://flags | website v2 shield -----|------ Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 12 57 09 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 1 08 21 PM **Case 1:** - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` and click on the Shields icon; make note of trackers and ad-block count - Go to `brave://flags` and enable the v1 shield - Reload the already opened `` - Make sure the v1 and v2 Shields trackers count is the same on the Shields badges - Click on each Shield and ensure the trackers' count is the same on the Shields panel **`Trackers count on the v1 Shields panel`** | **`Trackers count on the v2 Shields panel`** ----|----- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 1 56 37 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 1 56 44 PM **Case 2:** - Change the ad-blocking settings to "Aggressive" - Make sure the v1 and v2 Shields trackers count is the same on the Shields badges - Click on each Shield and ensure the trackers count is the same on the Shields panel **`Trackers count on the v1 shield panel`** | **`Trackers count on the v2 shield panel`** ----|----- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 1 56 37 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 1 56 44 PM **Case 3:** - Change the ad-blocking settings to "Allow" - Make sure the v1 and v2 Shields trackers count is removed from the Shields badges - Click on each Shield and ensure the trackers are allowed on both the Shields and the trackers count is `0` on both shields **`Trackers count on the v1 shield panel`** | **`Trackers count on the v2 shield panel`** ----|----- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 2 40 39 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 2 40 52 PM
Case 2: Fingerprint blocking - local site Shields settings - PASSED - Confirmed that `Block fingerprinting` is selected by default Case 1: `Aggressively block fingerprinting` - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 Shield via `brave://flags` - Open the `` website - Click on `Advanced controls` - Select the `Aggressively block fingerprinting` option - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 shield is same v1 | v2 -- | -- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 2 46 56 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 2 47 05 PM Case 2: `Allow fingerprinting` - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 Shields via `brave://flags` - Open the `` website - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Click on `Advanced controls` - Select the `Allow fingerprinting` option - Ensure that the tracker's count is refreshed in the Shield - Confirmed that trackers count in v1 and v2 Shields is same v1 | v2 -- | -- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 3 01 25 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 3 01 32 PM
Case 3: Block cookies - local site Shields settings - PASSED Case 1: `Block all cookies` - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 Shield via `brave://flags` - Open the `` website - Click on the Shields v2 icon in the URL bar - Select the `Block all cookies` option - Ensure that the cookie's count is refreshed in the Shield - Confirmed that the cookie's count in v1 and v2 Shield is same v1 | v2 -- | -- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 4 46 17 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 4 46 24 PM Case 2: `Allow all cookies` - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 shield via `brave://flags` - Open the `` website - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Select the `All cookies` option - Ensure that the count is refreshed in the shield - Confirmed that blocked count in v1 and v2 shield is same v1 | v2 -- | -- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 4 55 14 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 4 55 19 PM
Case 4: Upgrade connection to HTTPS Local site Shields settings - PASSED Case 1: `Upgrade connections to HTTPS` enabled (default) - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 shield via `brave://flags` - Load `` - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Confirm green-background page, redirected to `` - (SSL) v1 | v2 -- | -- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 30 40 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 30 44 PM Case 2: `Upgrade connections to HTTPS` disabled - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 shield via `brave://flags` - Load `` - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Confirm red-background page, remained on `` (non-SSL) v1 | v2 --|-- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 08 31 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 08 37 PM
Case 5: Block scripts - local site Shields settings - PASSED Case 1: `Block scripts` disabled (default) - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 shield via `brave://flags` - Load `` - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Confirm `` loads and video auto-plays v1 | v2 -- | -- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 49 38 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 49 43 PM Case 2: `Block scripts` enabled - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Enable v1 shield via `brave://flags` - Load `` - Click on the shield v2, expand the advanced view - Confirm you get a white page with no content - Confirm the blocked-item counts on v1 and v2 of the Shields panels match v1 | v2 --|-- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 43 02 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 5 42 57 PM

2. Upgrade profile - PASSED

Local site Shields settings

Case 1: Ad-blocking - local site Shields settings - PASSED - install `1.37.116` - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - choose `Allow all trackers & ads` - upgrade to `1.38.103` (rename `Brave-Browser` to `Brave-Browser-Beta`, on `macOS`) - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm the option is set to `Allow all trackers & ads` - confirm the other defaults remain defaults `1.37.116` | `1.38.103` ----------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 1 18 06 AM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 1 18 41 AM
Case 2: Fingerprint blocking - local site Shields settings - PASSED - install `1.37.116` - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - choose `Fingerprint blocked (strict, may break sites)` - click on the `Fingerprint me` button on the page - wait - confirm the fingerprinting didn't work (no matching plotted lines; only one, the baseline, is plotted) - upgrade to `1.38.103` (rename `Brave-Browser` to `Brave-Browser-Beta`, on macOS) - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm the option is now set to the renamed `Aggressively block fingerprinting` - click on the `Fingerprint me` button on the page - wait - confirm the fingerprinting didn't work (no matching plotted lines; only one, the baseline, is plotted) - confirm the other defaults remain defaults `1.37.116` | `1.38.103` ----------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-20 at 10 44 11 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-20 at 10 43 27 PM
Case 3: Block cookies - local site Shields settings - PASSED - install `1.37.116` - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - choose `Cookies blocked` - upgrade to `1.38.103` (rename `Brave-Browser` to `Brave-Browser-Beta`, on macOS) - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm the option is set to `Cookies blocked` - confirm the other defaults remain defaults `1.37.116` | `1.38.103` ----------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 1 25 31 AM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 1 27 18 AM

Global Shields settings

Case 1: Ad-blocking - global site Shields settings - PASSED - install `1.37.116` - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - click on `Advanced controls` - confirm `Block trackers & ads` is set - open `brave://settings/shields` - set `Trackers & ads blocking` to `Aggressive` - rename `Brave-Browser` profile folder to `Brave-Browser-Beta` - install and launch `1.38.x` - switch to the `` tab - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm `Aggressively block trackers & ads` is set - open `brave://settings/shields` - confirm `Trackers & ads blocking` is set to `Aggressive` `1.37.116` | `Settings` | `1.38.x` | `Settings` ----------|------------|---------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 4 25 55 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 4 25 46 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 4 26 44 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 4 26 53 PM
Case 2: Fingerprint blocking - global site Shields settings - PASSED - install `1.37.116` - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm `Block fingerprinting is set - open `brave://settings/shields` - change `Block fingerprinting` from `Standard` to `Strict, may break sites` - rename `Brave-Browser` profile folder to `Brave-Browser-Beta` - install and launch `1.38.x` - switch to the `` tab - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm `Aggressively block fingerprinting` is set - click on `Fingerprint me!` - confirm you only see the red baseline - - open `brave://settings/shields` - confirm `Block fingerprinting` is set to `Strict, may break sites` `1.37.116` | `Settings` | `1.38.x` | `Settings` ----------|------------|--------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 12 01 56 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 12 02 09 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 12 04 52 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 12 04 14 PM
Case 3: Block cookies - global site Shields settings - PASSED - install `1.37.116` - launch Brave - load `` - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm `Cross-site cookies blocked` is set, via the `Advanced` view - open `brave://settings/shields` - set `Cookie blocking` to `All` - rename `Brave-Browser` profile folder to `Brave-Browser-Beta` - install and launch `1.38.x` - switch to the `` tab - click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - confirm `Block all cookies` is selected - open `brave://settings/shields` - confirm `Block cookies` is set to `All` `1.37.116` | `Settings` | `1.38.x` | `Settings` ----------|------------|---------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 5 05 33 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 5 05 21 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 5 12 18 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 5 11 43 PM

3. v2 Shields UI - PASSED

(see detailed tests elsewhere, in their respective sections. Covered by @GeetaSarvadnya in-depth, as well as through our filed issues. Reviewed by Design and Product teams.)

4. v2 Shields brave://settings/shields - PASSED

- Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `brave://settings/shields` - Compare text, labels, options, and defaults to Figma - Confirm each settings change made on `brave://settings/shields` propagates to a new tab/window's Shields panel, for any given site `Figma` | `1.38.103` | `Dark` ---------|-----------|------- ![figma]( | Screen Shot 2022-04-20 at 4 17 38 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-20 at 4 19 59 PM

5. Site Shields settings in Private window - PASSED

Case 1: Changes made in Shields settings for a site in the normal window are retained in the Private window for the same site - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` in a normal window - Change the local site Shields settings for ``: - 1. `Block the scripts` 2. `Aggressively block trackers and ads` 3. `Block fingerprinting` 4. `Block cross-site cookies` - Open a Private window and load `` - Confirmed the CNN site Shields settings are retained in the Private tab Normal window | Private window ----- | ----- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 3 08 00 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 3 09 45 PM
Case 2: Updated global Shields settings are propagated to Private windows - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Change the global Shield settings - Open `` and confirm global Shields settings are retained in the normal window - Open the Private window and open `` - Confirmed that the global Shields settings are retained in the Private tab `brave://settings` | normal window | Private window ------------------|-----------------|---------------- Screen Shot 2022-04-24 at 11 10 25 AM | Screen Shot 2022-04-24 at 11 15 47 AM | Screen Shot 2022-04-24 at 11 11 25 AM
Case 3: Verify that updated per-site Shields settings in Private windows are NOT propagated to normal windows - PASSED - Make changes to Shields settings in the Private tab (e.g. `Allow ads & trackers`) - Go to the normal window and open `` and confirm Shields settings changes are NOT retained in normal window Private window | Normal window ---- | ---- Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 3 17 55 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 3 18 41 PM

6. Verify disabling per-site Shields settings propagates to all the tabs - PASSED

Case 1: Disable local Shields settings for a site - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` in a normal window - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Click on `Advanced controls` - Toggle `Upgrade connections to HTTPS` to `OFF` - Confirm the page reloads and the option is disabled - Open another instance of `` in a new tab - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Click on `Advanced controls` - Confirm `Upgrade connections to HTTPS` is `OFF` first tab (window) | second tab --------|------------ Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 5 49 26 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 5 49 49 PM
Case 2: Disable global Shields settings for a site - PASSED - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` in a normal window - Confirm you get a notice about using an adblocker; no ads are shown - Open `brave://settings/shields` - Set `Trackers & ads blocking` to `Disabled` - Reload the page - Confirm ads display - Open `` in a new window - Confirm ads displays example | example | example | example ---------|----------|---------|---------- Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 7 39 07 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 7 46 34 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 7 43 31 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 7 54 40 PM

7. Verify disabling per-site Shields settings propagates to all the windows - PASSED

Case 1: `Shields off/down` - Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` in a normal window - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Toggle `Shields` to `DOWN` - Open `` in another normal window - Confirm Shields are set to `DOWN` - Confirm content loads; no blocked resources first window | second window -------------|---------------- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 10 30 16 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 10 30 49 PM

8. Verify changing per-site Shields settings propagates to all the tabs - PASSED

- Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` in a normal window - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Click on `Advanced controls` - Toggle `Block scripts` to `ON` - Confirm page reloads with no content - Open `` in a new tab - Confirm the new tab loads without content - Confirm `Block scripts` is still set to `ON` in the new tab first tab | second tab ---------|----------- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 7 53 32 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 7 54 47 PM

9. Verify changing per-site Shields settings propagates to all the windows - PASSED

- Clean profile `1.38.x` - Open `` in a normal window - Click on the Shields icon in the URL bar - Click on `Advanced controls` - Toggle `Block scripts` to `ON` - Confirm page reloads with no content - Open `` in a new, normal window - Confirm the new window has no content - Confirm `Block scripts` is still set to `ON` in the new window first window | second window -------------|---------------- Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 7 26 42 PM | Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 7 27 07 PM

Issues encountered during testing:



btlechowski commented 2 years ago

Verification passed on

Brave 1.38.109 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision 93c720db8323b3ec10d056025ab95c23a31997c9-refs/branch-heads/4951@{#904}
OS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Done some exploratory testing per talk with @LaurenWags

![image]( ![image](
s-palianskas commented 2 years ago

After this update the ability to allow individual scripts via Shield is gone. Is this supposed to happen?

stephendonner commented 2 years ago

After this update the ability to allow individual scripts via Shield is gone. Is this supposed to happen?

Yes, the ability to Run scripts once was intentionally removed. cc @rebron for more context

palianskas commented 2 years ago

Good thing, that it is possible to revert back to v1 without version rollback - brave://flags/ has options for disabling v2 and enabling v1 if you search for shields

BobT36 commented 2 years ago

@palianskas thanks for this. This change is indeed retrograde in my eyes. Can't see why Run Once would be removed, why remove an OPTIONAL function? Also can't see why there's no ability to force the "Advanced Controls" section open by default. This just leads to people naturally Downing ALL shields, rather than JUST scripts, but still keeping the other elements on, etc.

Why would you want that?

BobT36 commented 2 years ago

Why doesn't the new panel remember the advanced open / closed setting? This is STUPID by defaulting it to basic all the time, this is not only an extra click EVERY TIME, but also encourages people to drop ALL shields rather than just specific ones due to not knowing about the specific options, or simple inconvenience. What's the point? Shields were a major selling point of this browser.

stephendonner commented 2 years ago

Why doesn't the new panel remember the advanced open / closed setting? This is STUPID by defaulting it to basic all the time, this is not only an extra click EVERY TIME, but also encourages people to drop ALL shields rather than just specific ones due to not knowing about the specific options, or simple inconvenience. What's the point? Shields were a major selling point of this browser.

@BobT36 Hi; it will remember its previous state starting with the 1.43.x Brave release, which should ship on or ~ August 30th.

BobT36 commented 2 years ago

Great, at least that makes it slightly less cumbersome then. Cheers.

Hopefully the Shields panel can get the same amount of dev effort put in as previously, considering it's one of the major selling points of the brave browser.