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Unable to drag and reorder tabs on Linux #20386

Closed iamjameswalters closed 2 years ago

iamjameswalters commented 2 years ago


Attempting to drag tabs around to reorder them just pulls the tab out into its own window, which will not reduce and combine with any other windows.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a series of tabs.
  2. Drag one of these tabs to a new spot in the tab dock.
  3. Or, try to drag a tab from one window into another window.

Actual result:

Tab is pulled out into its own window, and will not combine.

Expected result:

Tabs are reordered or tabs from separate windows are reduced to one window.

Reproduces how often:

Easily reproduced

Brave version (brave://version info)

Brave 1.34.80 Chromium: 97.0.4692.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision adefa7837d02a07a604c1e6eff0b3a09422ab88d-refs/branch-heads/4692@{#1247}
OS Linux (specifically, Ubuntu MATE 20.04.3)

Version/Channel Information:

Other Additional Information:

Miscellaneous Information:

Perhaps this is related to #20375 ? I encounter that bug as well.

wildanpurnomo commented 2 years ago

I experienced this issue as well after updating to 1.34.80 with AUR. I've downgraded back to 1.33.106 and tabs dragging went back to normal.

bongochong commented 2 years ago

Confirmed on this end too, under both Cinnamon and Xfce on Fedora 35.

Edit: If you right-click on unused space in the tab bar and un-check the Use system title bar and borders entry, this will allow tab reordering and dragging again, though you are sacrificing the standard title bar.

Darshil-P commented 2 years ago

Same issue here too. With Brave Beta v1.35.75 On Debian Bookworm (KDE)

SteshinSS commented 2 years ago

Same issue with KDE Plasma 5.22.5 / Kubuntu 21.10

otikscypi commented 2 years ago

Duplicate: #20275. (but this one has more traction)

Also, yeah same here Gnome 40.5 / PopOS 21.10.

jdnixx commented 2 years ago

Yep have this problem too. Comment on the reddit thread for 1.34.80:

jota2016 commented 2 years ago

Same here.

Fedora 35 KDE. Brave 1.34.80 Downgrading to 1.33.106 it works fine.

It's also happening with Chrome. google-chrome-stable.x86_64 96.0.4664.110 --> works fine google-chrome-stable.x86_64 97.0.4692.71 --> has the issue

The latest update of both browsers presents this behavior.

ipha commented 2 years ago

This is broken upstream in chromium 97. There are patches available that have been applied to 98+, but not 97 yet

upstream bug:

patch 1/2: patch 2/2:

jota2016 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info, @ipha

iamjameswalters commented 2 years ago

Duplicate: #20275. (but this one has more traction)

Ack! Sorry 😅

bsclifton commented 2 years ago

cc: @mariospr @mkarolin

+1 from users in

Looks like the issue was fixed upstream; may be in our next Chromium update 👍 Thanks for linking the issues, @ipha 😄

dusty-1 commented 2 years ago

For what it is worth, it appears that this issue is a general problem with "drag and drop", not just tabs. Here are some links to discussions of people impacted by "drag and drop" not working as it did in the previous version:

ipha commented 2 years ago

This is fixed upstream in Chromium 97.0.4692.92 and newer.

neofutur commented 2 years ago

serioulsly this is a HUGE functional bug that should be fixed ASAP. and since it is fixed upstream . . .

petersaints commented 2 years ago

serioulsly this is a HUGE functional bug that should be fixed ASAP. and since it is fixed upstream . . .

I agree. It is SO bad that makes the browser almost unusable. It should be a top priority to deploy a fix on all Brave Channels (I use the Beta Channel and the issue is also present there).

aerocyber commented 2 years ago

I agree. Brave is the browser I use daily and this bug is frustrating.

otikscypi commented 2 years ago

Gentlemen. This is frustrating bug but:

So: it is annoying, but does not affect everyone, there is an easy workaround, fix is coming from the upstream. Hardly a top priority for brave devs. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the way this is handled so far.

theRoboxx commented 2 years ago

Gentlemen. This is frustrating bug but:

  • there is simple, temporary workaround of downgrading your brave version. It is linux, not osx, affected, downgrade is ordinarily a quick and easy procedure;
  • it affects only a subsection of the user base - Linux users;
  • is already fixed in the upstream, so we can expect the fix in the next release.

So: it is annoying, but does not affect everyone, there is an easy workaround, fix is coming from the upstream. Hardly a top priority for brave devs. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the way this is handled so far.

You are right and now it works for me with the previous version 1.33.106 . For everyone: If you use the package manager Synaptic you can do it easily like mentioned here:

bongochong commented 2 years ago

Just chiming in again to remind people that beyond downgrading, there's an even simpler fix that I mentioned several comments back: Right-click on unused space in the tab bar and un-check the Use system title bar and borders entry. This will allow tab reordering and dragging again. Though you are sacrificing the standard title bar, I think it's worth it for now.

ipha commented 2 years ago

Just chiming in again to remind people that beyond downgrading, there's an even simpler fix that I mentioned several comments back: Right-click on unused space in the tab bar and un-check the Use system title bar and borders entry. This will allow tab reordering and dragging again. Though you are sacrificing the standard title bar, I think it's worth it for now.

That doesn't work on KDE.

bongochong commented 2 years ago

Well shoot. I can vouch for it working under Cinnamon and Xfce, so maybe it's only relevant to users in GTK land.

maciek16180 commented 2 years ago

Same issue here on Kubuntu 20.04. Brave Version 1.34.80 Chromium: 97.0.4692.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)

dylif commented 2 years ago

Same issue here on KDE/Arch Linux Brave Version 1.34.80

Downgrading the package to the previous commit on the AUR works (brave-bin) Can verify that using system title bar does not work on KDE as stated previously

chavinlo commented 2 years ago

For arch users if downgrade doesn't works: git clone cd brave-bin git checkout 8ced618cd527363919005f704d284c43e2ee3d23 (1.33.106 commit) makepkg -si

neofutur commented 2 years ago

Just chiming in again to remind people that beyond downgrading, there's an even simpler fix that I mentioned several comments back: Right-click on unused space in the tab bar and un-check the Use system title bar and borders entry. This will allow tab reordering and dragging again. Though you are sacrificing the standard title bar, I think it's worth it for now.

thanks ! working great here on ubuntu !

tmvkrpxl0 commented 2 years ago

This issue also happens on Kubuntu 21.10/Plasma 5.22.5 with framework 5.86.0 using Qt 5.15.2 on X11 And un-checking system title bar does not fixed the issue

jdnixx commented 2 years ago

Was excited to see a new stable release, so tried upgrading back only to see it's not fixed. I guess because 1.34.81 is still on chromium 97.0.4692.71 and we need ... .92 for the fix. As others have said, the system title bar trick doesn't appear to work on KDE. Time to downgrade again

szymonpk commented 2 years ago

@jdnixx are you sure?

Version 1.34.81 Chromium: 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)

And tab re-ordering works for me again (KDE).

aloysius-pgast commented 2 years ago

Debian / Ubuntu repos still provide following versions as of now

Based on @szymonpk comment, I assume new versions will land on both channels anytime soon :smile: (Brave 1.34.81 and Brave 1.35.91 are both using Chromium 97.0.4692.99)

aerocyber commented 2 years ago

For what it is worth, it appears that this issue is a general problem with "drag and drop", not just tabs. Here are some links to discussions of people impacted by "drag and drop" not working as it did in the previous version:

If I am right, it's because the rewards button sees all the three images as one, ie, the triangle, circle and square part of the same image.

DavidNorena commented 2 years ago

I'm on arch linux, updated today to the latest version in the AUR and it seems it works again:

Version 1.34.81 Chromium: 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)

wildanpurnomo commented 2 years ago

Would like to confirm as well the issue has been resolved on my side with latest AUR package.

Thank you very much team and everyone. Hope you're doing well and safe always.

iamjameswalters commented 2 years ago

Just upgraded to 1.34.81 and this has been ✅ fixed for me! 🎊

Thanks to everyone here and upstream who worked on this. 💝

idkw commented 2 years ago

I was having the issue for a month on Linux Mint, this is now fixed, thank you for the reactivity.

aloysius-pgast commented 2 years ago

Well, it's not fixed for people using beta channel though :grinning: . Beta channel is still providing 1.35.89 and not 1.35.91.

tmvkrpxl0 commented 2 years ago

This issue has been fixed recently for me

bsclifton commented 2 years ago

Thanks to everybody who has confirmed! With the recent upgrade to Chromium 97.0.4692.99, this was fixed! (versions 1.34.81 and higher.

Beta channel doesn't have yet - I believe this is due to continuous integration errors. I'll try to get a new Beta build pushed soon!

aloysius-pgast commented 2 years ago

In the meantime, it's possible to install one of

Currently running 1.35.92 since it has been released

khamer commented 2 years ago

Just to add -

I first saw this issue today with version 1.36.105 Chromium: 99.0.4844.45. It's working properly with brave-beta Version 1.37.72 Chromium: 99.0.4844.45 though.

nzbtuxnews commented 2 years ago

Just to add -

I first saw this issue today with version 1.36.105 Chromium: 99.0.4844.45. It's working properly with brave-beta Version 1.37.72 Chromium: 99.0.4844.45 though.

Same here on Mint 20.3 running XFCE and Brave 1.36.116 Chromium: 99.0.4844.74 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Cant drag tabs or reorder them, the entire desktop behaves like it has a seizure.

khamer commented 2 years ago

Just adding - the AUR version of 1.36.122 Chromium 99.04844.88 shows this bug, but the Snap version does not.

khamer commented 2 years ago

Beyond being broken in version 1.36.122 Chromium: 99.0.4844.88 (Official Build) (64-bit), After Brave Beta updated, it's also now broken in Brave Beta version 1.37.84 Chromium: 99.0.4844.51.

It works in the snap version of brave - 1.37.109 Chromium: 100.0.4896.60

I'm guessing there was a regression of this bug between 1.34.81 / 97.0.4692.99 and 1.36.105, but I'm worried there was another regression between 1.37.72 and 1.37.84.

khamer commented 2 years ago

This is broken still even after updating in 1.37.109 Chromium: 100.0.4896.60 (using the AUR version not the snap.) Please reopen.

error256 commented 2 years ago

It works for me in 1.37.109 and 1.37.111 on the same system where it didn't at the time of the original issue, so some details must be different.

khamer commented 2 years ago

Also doesn't work for me with 1.37.111 Chromium: 100.0.4896.79.

khamer commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the frequent replies - testing out different versions available from the AUR, I found that the latest version of Brave is reporting

[194244:194244:0406/] zcr_extended_drag_v1 extension not available! Window/Tab dragging won't be fully functional.

Which lead me to Sway #5692 and wlroots #2889. These issues are both closed and Chromium is supposed to be patched for around a year.

Sure enough, I have the follow brave-flags enabled:


And if I remove those, dragging works again, but that causes other issues (with things like screensharing.)

So my guess is that this may be a different issue than the original, and now Brave doesn't work properly under Wayland anymore.

loyd commented 2 years ago

It's broken for me on v1.39.111/102.0.5005 from AUR. Xorg =(

nPHYN1T3 commented 2 years ago

Why is this marked as closed? Still an issue on V1.39.111 (May 24, 2022) (also X here)

error256 commented 2 years ago

It broke after the latest update. Now it's broken in some weird way: most of the time it doesn't work, but sometimes tabs can be dragged correctly. When they can, it works correctly for all the tabs in the window until I switch to another window, then it can stop working in that window too.

nPHYN1T3 commented 2 years ago

It's been broken to some degree for several updates. I noticed a while ago tab tearing was virtually impossible but I could move a tab in a window, now you can't do either. Just an ongoing regression that is now pushing 5 months.