Feature: Add ZeroNet Support
What is ZeroNet? ZeroNet is a decentralized website serving service based on BitTorent. It supports both TOR and I2P for communications. It uses NameCoin/.bit for TLDs.
How? It could in theory run a NameCoin client in the background and check for the ZeroNet Section.
If it doesn't have one then it isn't a ZeroNet website and should be ran as a clearnet .bit website. If it does have a ZeroNet section then it could ping and check if ZeroNet is running, if it isn't it could start one in the background and automatically go to "[.bit-url]".
Feature: Add ZeroNet Support What is ZeroNet? ZeroNet is a decentralized website serving service based on BitTorent. It supports both TOR and I2P for communications. It uses NameCoin/.bit for TLDs. How? It could in theory run a NameCoin client in the background and check for the ZeroNet Section. If it doesn't have one then it isn't a ZeroNet website and should be ran as a clearnet .bit website. If it does have a ZeroNet section then it could ping and check if ZeroNet is running, if it isn't it could start one in the background and automatically go to "[.bit-url]".