[x] Check that installer is close to the size of the last release
[x] Check the Brave version in About and make sure it is EXACTLY as expected
[x] Verify that data from the previous build appears in the updated build as expected (bookmarks, history, etc.)
[x] Verify that cookies from the previous build are preserved after upgrade
[x] Verify saved passwords are retained after upgrade
[x] Verify stats are retained after upgrade
[x] Verify sync chain created in the previous version is still retained on upgrade
[x] Verify per-site settings are preserved after upgrade
[x] Verify that creating a bookmark works
[x] Verify that tapping a bookmark from bookmark manager loads the bookmark
[x] Verify that deleting a bookmark works
[x] Verify that creating a bookmark folder works
[x] Verify that creating a bookmark inside the created folder works
[x] Verify that you can add a bookmark directly inside a bookmark folder
[x] Verify that you can delete a bookmark in edit mode
[x] Verify that you can delete a bookmark folder with bookmarks inside
[x] Verify adding a bookmark domain, subpaths is retained and you are successfully able to visit the domain subpath in a new tab
[x] Verify adding bookmark for many open tabs works. Ensured opening all bookmarks in Saved tabs folder will load all the tabs
[x] Verify import and export bookmarks works
[x] Verify editing favorites and changing their URLs updates the favicons accordingly
[x] Verify that you can remove favorites
[x] Verify that you can add new favorites from the Share with... menu
[x] Verify adding Favorites Widget to home screen and ensure favorites are updated on the widget accordingly
Context menus
[x] Make sure context menu items in the URL bar work
[x] Make sure context menu items on content work with no selected text
[x] Make sure context menu items on content work with selected text
[x] Make sure context menu items on content work inside an editable control (input, textarea, or contenteditable)
[x] Verify you can open links in a new tab or private tab. Ensure you can open links in background tabs
[x] Verify all actions work in context menu when long pressing on + in the toolbar
[x] Verify all actions work in context menu when long pressing on tab icon
[x] Verify Recently Closed Tabs is opened when long pressing + icon in tab view
[x] Verify search works from the search box on NTP
[x] Verify able to perform voice search by pressing the microphone icon in URL bar
[x] Verify changing search engine in settings will update search queries for regular and private tabs
[x] Verify tapping on arrow icon for the suggested searches will only populate that search query in the search box
[x] Verify scanning QR code from the search box will higlight scanned url
[x] Verify all actions in toolbar both in top and bottom positions
[x] Verify searching page content using Find in Page works
[x] Verify navigating social media and video sites does not cause loading issues when scrolling or reloading pages
Navigation [iPad]
[ ] Verify user is able to navigate/search using connected hardware keyboard
[ ] Verify long pressing CMD key will display keyboard shortcuts
[ ] Ensure the keyboard shortcuts are working
[ ] Ensure using Brave with Split View & Split Over works with other apps
[x] Verify that you can save an image from a site
[x] Verify that you are able to save a GIF image
Reader Mode
[x] Visit https://theverge.com, open any article, verify the reader mode icon is shown in the URL bar
[x] Verify tapping on the reader mode icon opens the article in reader mode
[x] Edit reader mode settings and open different pages in reader mode and verify if the setting is retained across each article
[x] Verify reader mode works when toolbar is set as Top Bar and Bottom Bar
[x] Verify pinch to zoom in/out gestures work on https://www.homedepot.com
[x] Verify that navigating to a different origin resets the zoom
[x] Swipe back and forward to navigate, verify this works as expected
Password Managers
[x] Verify tapping on 1Password on the slide-out keyboard launches 1Password app and you're able to select the stored credentials
[x] Verify tapping on Bitwarden password manager in the autofill field launches the app and auto-fills the stored data
Shields Settings
[x] Enable all switches in Settings and visit a site and disable Block Scripts. Kill and relaunch the app and verify if the site Shields settings are retained
Browser Lock
[x] Verify browser lock enables device passcode to lock/unlock the browser
[x] Verify swipe up/swipe down with browser in focus doesn't ask for device passcode
[x] Verify cancel passcode shows unlock message
[x] Remove the app from memory and relaunch, enter a wrong passcode, the browser should not be unlocked
[x] Verify cancel fingerprint confirmation/face unlock shows enter passcode window when fingerprint/face unlock is set up on the device
Brave Rewards/Ads
[x] Verify wallet is auto-created after enabling Rewards
[x] Verify when you click on the Brave Rewards panel while on a site, the panel displays if the site is verified or not
[x] Verify ads are only shown while the app is being used
[x] Verify tapping on an ad notification shows the landing page
[x] Verify inline-content ads show on Brave News and are correctly redeemed from the server
[x] Verify view, clicked, landed and dismiss confirmation states are logged based on the action. Ensure these are working for inline ads, ad notifications and New Tab Page ads.
[x] Verify you are able to join Sync chain by scanning the QR code
[x] Verify you are able to join Sync chain using code words
[x] Verify you are able to create a Sync chain on the device and add other devices to the chain via QR code/code words
[x] Verify that bookmarks from other devices on the chain show up on the mobile device after sync completes
[x] Verify newly created bookmarks get synced to all devices on the Sync chain
[x] Verify existing bookmarks before joining Sync chain also gets sync'd to all devices on the Sync chain
[x] Verify history sync is disabled by default. Enabling it starts sync'ing history items as well (limited to 200 entries)
[x] Verify sync works on an upgraded profile and new bookmarks added post-upgrade sync across devices on the chain
[x] Verify you can create a standalone Sync chain with one device
[x] Verify starting sync chain using segmented tab for other devices. Ensure enabling Open Tabs will display tabs from other devices
[x] Verify sharing pages with Send To Your Devices works as expected
[x] Verify Sync Internals page data is populated when connected to sync chain
[x] Verify when using Delete Sync Account will remove all devices connected to sync chain
Playlist & Autoplay
[x] Verify Playlist is enabled by default on a clean install
[x] Verify when a site with audio/video is detected, Playlist button is shown in URL bar and a notification badge on the menu
[x] Verify clicking the Playlist button adds audio/video to playlist and initiates offline play
[x] Verify adding audio/video to playlist via share menu works as expected
[x] Verify adding audio/video to playlist via long press context menu works as expected
[x] Verify Autoplay is enabled by default
[x] Verify with Autoplay enabled, able to play audio/video automatically
[x] Verify with background audio enabled, able to play audio/video with device locked or app in background
[x] Verify Playlist media works with CarPlay on iOS devices
[x] Verify playback gestures are working in Playlist
[x] Verify adding shared folder to playlist using https://playlist.brave.com/bsa-sample works. Verify all actions on shared folder are working
Brave News
[x] Verify Brave News opt-in is shown on a clean install
[x] Verify once opted-in Brave News starts showing articles
[x] Verify inline-content ads are shown on Brave News
[x] Verify able to add custom RSS feed to the list of sources. Ensure this is working when entering custom URL manually and through the share menu when at a blog page
[x] Verify able to hide content from sources within the Popular Sources and Suggested categories by long-press on the card
[x] Verify adding Top News Brave widget to home screen will display news articles. Ensure tapping on news articles will load in brave
[x] Verify purchasing VPN subscription will install VPN profile and establish connection
[x] Verify tunneling works by navigating to https://ipinfo.io
[x] Verify changing server region will update VPN connection
[x] Verify changing protocol from WireGuard to IKEv2 works as expected
[x] Verify Reset Configuration will reset everything but the region selected
Bravery settings
[x] Check that block ad and unblock ad works on http://slashdot.org
[x] Check that toggling to blocking and allow ads works as expected. Ensure pre-roll ads are removed on https://youtube.com
[x] Verify that tapping through a cert error in https://badssl.com works
[ ] Verify Safe Browsing protection on https://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/ in the iOS
[x] Verify debounce/deAMP settings using https://dev-pages.brave.software/navigation-tracking/debouncing.html
[x] Verify Block Cookie Consent Notices works when navigating to https://amazon.co.uk
[x] Verify switch to app dialogs are suppressed when loading https://reddit.com, https://twitter.com and https://google.com/maps
[x] Enable Block Scripts globally from Settings. Visit https://blizzard.com and confirm the carousel is disabled at the top of the page. Tap on Shields and disable Block Scripts; the page content should load properly
[x] Ensure blocking ads work using Standard and Aggressive settings
[x] Verify that default Brave Shields settings take effect on pages with no site settings
Fingerprint Tests
[x] Verify that the audio fingerprint is blocked at https://audiofingerprint.openwpm.com when fingerprinting protection is on
[x] Verify that https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/ doesn't leak IP address when Block all fingerprinting protection is on
[x] Verify fingerprinting test cases in https://dev-pages.brave.software/fingerprinting/farbling.html
Content tests
[ ] Go to https://feedly.com and make sure that the password can be saved. Make sure the saved password is auto-populated when you visit the site again.
[x] Open an email on https://mail.google.com and tap on a link. Make sure it works
[x] Verify that PDF is loaded over HTTPS at https://basicattentiontoken.org/BasicAttentionTokenWhitePaper-4.pdf
[x] Verify that PDF is loaded over HTTP at http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf
[x] Verify that https://mixed-script.badssl.com shows up as grey, not red (no mixed-content scripts are run)
[x] Verify that "Security Certificate" is shown in the main menu for secured websites
[x] Verify browser prompts for security key when trying to log in to accounts
[x] Verify you are able to successfully authenticate an account using security key when prompted
[x] Verify quickly connecting and disconnecting doesn't cause issues authenticating using security keys
[x] Verify you are able to use security keys on both normal and private tabs
[x] Verify you are able to use security keys to authenticate using NFC
App linker
[x] Long-press on a link in the Twitter app to get the share picker, choose Brave. Verify Brave doesn't crash after opening the link
Session storage
[x] Verify that tabs restore when closed, including active tab
Saved tabs
folder will load all the tabsFavorites
Share with...
menuContext menus
in the toolbarRecently Closed Tabs
is opened when long pressing+
icon in tab viewNavigation
Find in Page
worksNavigation [iPad]
Split View
&Split Over
works with other appsDownloads
Reader Mode
, open any article, verify the reader mode icon is shown in the URL barGestures
Password Managers
Shields Settings
and visit a site and disableBlock Scripts
. Kill and relaunch the app and verify if the site Shields settings are retainedBrowser Lock
Brave Rewards/Ads
confirmation states are logged based on the action. Ensure these are working for inline ads, ad notifications and New Tab Page ads.Sync
Open Tabs
will display tabs from other devicesSend To Your Devices
works as expectedSync Internals
page data is populated when connected to sync chainDelete Sync Account
will remove all devices connected to sync chainPlaylist & Autoplay
button is shown in URL bar and a notification badge on the menuPlaylist
button adds audio/video to playlist and initiates offline playhttps://playlist.brave.com/bsa-sample
works. Verify all actions on shared folder are workingBrave News
Popular Sources
categories by long-press on the cardVPN
Reset Configuration
will reset everything but the region selectedBravery settings
in the iOShttps://dev-pages.brave.software/navigation-tracking/debouncing.html
Block Scripts
globally fromSettings
. Visithttps://blizzard.com
and confirm the carousel is disabled at the top of the page. Tap onShields
and disableBlock Scripts
; the page content should load properlyStandard
settingsFingerprint Tests
when fingerprinting protection is onhttps://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/
doesn't leak IP address whenBlock all fingerprinting protection
is onhttps://dev-pages.brave.software/fingerprinting/farbling.html
Content tests
and make sure that the password can be saved. Make sure the saved password is auto-populated when you visit the site again.https://mail.google.com
and tap on a link. Make sure it worksHTTPS
shows up as grey, not red (no mixed-content scripts are run)WebAuthn
App linker
Session storage