[x] Verify going to brave://ipfs and clicking on Install and start installs and shows the latest go-ipfs release, via the Version: section under Node info.
Seed profile
[x] Load ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org.
[x] Choose Use a Brave local IPFS node.
[x] Run the IPNS Keys (add/rotate) section.
[x] Run the Import and Sharing (page, image, text, video) section.
go-updater node update
[x] Verify, using the above profile, that restarting Brave with --use-dev-goupdater-url, and clicking on Restart via brave://ipfs downloads and installs the latest in-development (release) candidate.
[x] Confirm that Method to resolve IPFS resources is Brave local IPFS node in brave://settings/ipfs.
[x] Confirm that keys and imports are intact, post-migration.
[x] Confirm that brave://ipfs-internals shows Node is not running under IPFS node status, with a Start button.
[x] Click on Start.
[x] Confirm the node starts, and paths and version info are correct.
[x] Verify changing Maximum IPFS cache size (GB) on the brave://settings/ipfs page (set Method to resolve IPFS resources to Brave local IPFS node on brave://settings/ipfs), the new value is reflected on the diagnostic page (brave://ipfs) in the Repo Stats -> Size section.
Diagnostic page (brave://ipfs)
[x] Verify loading brave://ipfs redirects to brave://ipfs-internals.
[x] Verify, on a clean profile, visiting brave://ipfs will present you with an Install and start button, which will install and start an IPFS local node. Confirm you see Node is running under IPFS node status, Stop, Restart, and My Node buttons, and a dynamically updating Connected peers: count.
[x] Verify that clicking Stop temporarily clears all statistics, paths, and config information.
[x] Verify that clicking Start populates all statistics, paths, and config information, and you see Stop, Restart, and My Node buttons, along with a dynamically updating Connected peers: count.
[x] Verify that clicking Restart clears and then repopulates all stats, paths, and config information, and you see Stop, Restart, and My Node buttons, along with a dynamically updating Connected peers: count.
[x] Verify that clicking on (details) to the right of Connected peers: takes you to the PEERS pane of and you see a global map with a dynamically updating peer count and listing, below.
[x] Verify that clicking on Perform a garbage collection sweep resets and repopulates the Objects: and Size: stats beneath Repo Stats.
[x] Verify that clicking My Node takes you to the Status pane of the IPFS dashboard, with a URL similar to, where you see Connected to IPFS, MB count of files shared, and dynamically updating peers count, as well as your PEER ID and AGENT.
Import and Sharing
[x] Prerequisites: Brave local IPFS node launched and local gateway configured. On a new profile, loading ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org and clicking Use a Brave local IPFS node on the interstitial page will set you up.
Importing a page via IPFS
[x] Load wikipedia.org. Context-click the page and select Import to IPFS > This page.
[x] Verify the content is downloaded and imported successfully.
[x] Verify the import folder is opened upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard and opens when pasting it into a new tab.
Importing linked content
[x] Load https://search.brave.com/search?q=hiddenmickeys&source=desktop. Context-click the first link there and select Import to IPFS > Linked content.
[x] Verify the content is downloaded and imported successfully.
[x] Verify the import folder is opened upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard and opens when pasting it into a new tab.
Importing selected audio
[x] Load https://samplelib.com/sample-mp3.html. Context-click any audio file and select Import to IPFS > Selected audio.
[x] Verify the audio is downloaded and imported successfully.
[x] Verify the import folder opens upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard and opens when pasting it into a new tab.
Importing selected image
[x] Verify you are able to import an image by visiting search.brave.com, right-clicking on the logo, and choosing Import to IPFS > Selected image.
[x] Verify the image is downloaded and imported successfully.
[x] Verify the import folder opens upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard, and pasting the link in a new tab opens it.
Importing selected text
[x] Load https://lipsum.com/ and make a text selection. Context-click and choose Import Selected Text to IPFS.
[x] Verify the text is wrapped into a file with id like file_1 and the imported text is readable inside the file.
[x] Verify the import folder opens upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard and opens when pasting it into a new tab.
Importing selected video
[x] Load the Big Buck Bunny test file. Verify you are able to import the video via context menu Import to IPFS > Selected video.
[x] Verify the video is downloaded and imported successfully.
[x] Verify the import folder opens upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard and opens when pasting in a new tab.
Note: For the other types, downloading from the IPFS webui (My Node) and ensuring they still play in a media player, is enough.
Sharing a local file using IPFS (without IPNS keys)
[x] Verify the IPFS item is available in the main app menu. Go to IPFS -> Share Local File Using IPFS select and import any local file.
[x] Verify the file is downloaded and imported successfully,
[x] Verify the import folder is opened upon successful completion.
[x] Verify the shareable link starting with https://dweb.link/ipfs/ is copied to the clipboard, and opens when pasting into a new tab.
[x] Share the following filetypes:
[x] .txt
[x] .json
[x] .mpeg
[x] .mp3
[x] .mp4
[x] .ogg
[x] .webm
Sharing a local folder using IPFS (without IPNS keys)
[x] Go to IPFS -> share Local Folder Using IPFS, and select and import any local folder.
[x] Verify the whole folder is downloaded and imported successfully.
[x] Verify the import folder opens upon successful import.
[x] Verify the shareable link is copied to the clipboard, and opens when pasting into a new tab.
Address bar
Badge shown only when IPFS support is enabled
[x] Verify, on a new profile, you can load https://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org, switch Method to resolve IPFS resources to either Gateway or Brave local IPFS node in brave://settings/ipfs, and then see an IPFS badge/icon in the URL bar.
Badge on a public gateway
[x] Verify that loading https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmT5NvUtoM5nWFfrQdVrFtvGfKFmG7AHE8P34isapyhCxX/wiki/Mars.html redirects you seamlessly to https://bafybeicgmdpvw4duutrmdxl4a7gc52sxyuk7nz5gby77afwdteh3jc5bqa.ipfs.dweb.link/wiki/Mars.html, and there's an IPFS badge/button in the URL bar. Confirm that clicking IPFS goes to ipfs://bafybeicgmdpvw4duutrmdxl4a7gc52sxyuk7nz5gby77afwdteh3jc5bqa/wiki/Mars.html.
[x] Verify that loading https://ipfs.io/ipns/libp2p.io/ shows an IPFS button in the URL bar, and clicking it redirects to ipns://libp2p.io/. Confirm it resolves and loads.
Badge on DNSlink websites
[x] Verify clicking on the IPFS badge/button on https://blog.ipfs.tech loads ipns://blog.ipfs.tech in a new tab.
[x] Verify https://github.com/ipns/google.com shows no IPFS badge/icon in the URL bar (/ipns/google.com → google.com is not a valid CID, nor it is a DNS name with DNSLink TXT record → not IPFS resource)
[x] Verify https://github.com/ipfs/boxo shows no IPFS badge/icon in the URL bar (ipfs/boxo → boxo is not a valid CID → not IPFS resource → no purple button)
Protocol info popup
[x] Load ipns://brantly.eth while using Brave local IPFS node for the resolver, and confirm there's a clickable info badge "IPFS" to the left of the URL, with on click pop-up that says This content was loaded over the IPFS protocol.
Automatic redirects to IPFS
[x] Via brave://settings/ipfs, set Redirect IPFS resources to the configured IPFS gateway to On.
[x] Load https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR and confirm it redirects to ipfs://bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi.
[x] Load https://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/ and confirm it redirects to ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/.
IPFS Companion
[x] Verify that toggling IPFS Companion to On via brave://settings/ipfs prompts you to install the extension. After clicking Add extension, confirm you get a notification that IPFS Companion was added to Brave, and are then taken to the Set your IPFS preference interstitial page.
[x] Verify that clicking on the puzzle-piece icon on the browser toolbar, then IPFS Companion, will load a popup.
[x] Click on the gears (settings) icon and confirm it loads the Companion Preferences page.
[x] Click on My Node and confirm it opens the same ipfs-webui interface as My Node at brave://ipfs-internals
[x] Ensure each of the following IPFS URLs load over both Gateway and Brave local IPFS node modes:
[x] Confirm a fresh profile has Method to resolve IPFS resources set to Ask in brave://settings/ipfs.
[x] Verify visiting ipfs://bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi loads the interstitial page.
[x] Verify visiting ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org in a new tab loads the same interstitial page.
[x] Verify selecting Use a public gateway loads https://dweb.link/ipns/en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/ which then redirect to unique Origin at https://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.dweb.link/wiki/.
[x] Verify selecting Use a Brave local IPFS node loads ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/.
Public Path gateway
[x] Verify, on a new profile, you can't change the IPFS public gateway address to https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ via Settings -> IPFS -> IPFS public gateway address -> Change.
[x] An error stating Only a valid IPFS gateway with Origin isolation enabled can be used in Brave is displayed (example).
Public Subdomain Gateway
[x] Verify, on a new profile, you can change the IPFS public gateway address to https://{YOUR-PUBLIC-GATEWAY} via Settings -> IPFS -> IPFS public gateway address -> Change. Refer to the IPFS public-gateway list.
[x] Verify opening ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/ and selecting Use a public gateway loads https://{YOUR-PUBLIC-GATEWAY}/ipns/en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/ which then redirect to unique Origin at https://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.{YOUR-PUBLIC-GATEWAY}/wiki/ Verify loads https://cf-ipfs.com/ipns/en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/ which then redirect to unique Origin at https://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.{YOUR-PUBLIC-GATEWAY}/wiki/.
Protocol system handler/OS integration
[ ] Verify (Windows) that pressing Win+R, typing open ipfs://bafkreigcnxudvpojjfwncmauociy5q46zsq46oe66cxbyzie3imabuoege, and pressing Enter opens Brave and loads an HTML page with the word PASS.
[ ] Verify (macOS): opening Terminal, and typing open ipfs://bafkreigcnxudvpojjfwncmauociy5q46zsq46oe66cxbyzie3imabuoege, and pressing Enter opens Brave and loads an HTML page with the word PASS.
[ ] Verify (Linux) that opening a shell and typing xdg-open ipfs://bafkreigcnxudvpojjfwncmauociy5q46zsq46oe66cxbyzie3imabuoege and pressing Enter opens Brave and loads an HTML page with the word PASS.
[ ] Verify (Windows) that pressing Win+R, typing open ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Tokyo#Islands, and pressing Enter opens Brave and loads an HTML page scrolled to the header Islands.
[ ] Verify (macOS): opening Terminal, and typing open ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Tokyo#Islands, and pressing Enter opens Brave and loads an HTML page scrolled to the header Islands.
[ ] Verify (Linux) that opening a shell and typing xdg-open ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Tokyo#Islands, and pressing Enter opens Brave and loads an HTML page scrolled to the header Islands.
[x] Prerequisites: Brave local IPFS node launched and local gateway configured on two machines, locally networked (LAN, can be over Wi-Fi).
[x] Verify when you go to brave://settings/ipfs/peers and click on the Add button, it prompts you to enter a new peer-connection string. Confirm that entering an incorrect string yields This name is not valid upon clicking Submit. (Acceptable ones are only CIDs or something like **/p2p/** format.)
[x] Verify if a peer is added and node is started, it proposes to restart node to apply changes.
[x] Verify the Brave local IPFS node is restarted by clicking Restart button; happen it shows error message and suggests to see more on diagnostic page.
[x] Verify that Peering.Peers section of IPFS node config file got updated (either via My Node → Settings → IPFS Config or by manually inspecting brave_ipfs/config file).
[x] Verify a peer can be removed by clicking on the Trash icon in the peer line.
[x] Prerequisites: Brave local IPFS node launched and local gateway configured. Go to Settings -> IPFS, there should be an available Set up your IPNS keys option, which opens brave://settings/ipfs/keys
Publishing a local file using an IPNS key
[x] (after brave/brave-browser#16998 lands) Verify you're able to share a local file via IPFS -> Share local file using IPNS -> self.
[x] Verify once the file is imported, the import folder is opened and the file can be downloaded.
[x] Once the import is successful, verify a shareable link starting with https://dweb.link/ipns/ is copied to the clipboard by opening a new tab and pasting from the context menu or CTRL+V.
[ ] Verify you see the IPNS key (e.g. k51q...) before the ?filename=filename.ext from the copied text.
Publishing a local folder using an IPNS key
[x] (after brave/brave-browser#16998 lands) Verify you're able to share a local folder via IPFS > Share local folder using IPNS -> self.
[x] Verify once the file is imported, the import folder is opened and the file can be downloaded.
[x] Once the import is successful, verify a shareable link starting with https://dweb.link/ipns/ is copied to clipboard by opening a new tab and pasting from context menu or CTRL+V.
[ ] Verify you see the IPNS key (e.g. k51q...) before the ?filename=filename.ext from the copied text.
Importing keys
[x] Verify adding a new key by clicking on the Import button and choosing an existing key file to import.
[x] Verify imported key is available with entered name; verify entering self will yield This name cannot be used.
[x] Verify you cannot import keys with the same name; each key name must be unique.
Publishing content with IPNS key
[x] Verify keys are available in all import menus in order to pin content by selected key; the import link should contain the selected key.
Add/Remove/Rotate keys
[x] Verify when you click Add, it prompts for a key name and generates a new key.
[x] Verify clicking on Add and entering an existing key name shows a This name cannot be used error message.
[x] Verify clicking on the Rotate key icon for the self key prompts for a key name. Enter a valid, unique name and click Rotate. Confirm the key is created with your entered name, original hash, and a new self key (with a new hash value) is generated.
[x] Verify clicking on the 3-dots menu to the right of a key gives you two options: Export key and Remove key. Choose Export key and confirm you get prompted to save the key. Click Save and ensure the key is saved to disk. Delete the key from brave://settings/ipfs/keys and now click Add to confirm the same key as the original is added from disk.
[x] Verify clicking on the 3-dots menu and choosing Remove key removes the key from the UI.
IPFS on Android
Public Gateway Setting
[ ] Verify IPFS Gateway option is available under Brave Shields & Privacy.
[ ] Verify the setting is enabled by default.
[ ] Verify disable/enable setting is retained between browser launch/restarts.
[ ] Verify setting state is retained during upgrade.
[ ] Verify visiting ipfs://bafybeiemxf5abjwjbikoz4mc3a3dla6ual3jsgpdr4cjr3oz3evfyavhwq/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh.html for the first time triggers IPFS interstitial page to select public gateway to load the URI.
[ ] Verify selecting Use a public gateway loads https://bafybeiemxf5abjwjbikoz4mc3a3dla6ual3jsgpdr4cjr3oz3evfyavhwq.ipfs.dweb.link/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh.html via public gateway.
[ ] Verify selecting Use a public gateway loads https://bafybeicp7gd7s4oljtcesmd7e6vypunw26mv3f5ass5ud7b6jrfebc4ux4.ipfs.dweb.link/ via public gateway.
[ ] Verify when setting is disabled, loading an ipfs:// URI or ipns:// URI doesn't show any interstitial page.
[ ] Verify ipfs:// URI or ipns:// URI doesn't load on a private tab even when the setting is enabled.
IPFS on Desktop
Installation & Setup
IPFS installation
[x] Verify going to
and clicking onInstall and start
installs and shows the latestgo-ipfs
release, via theVersion:
section underNode info
.Seed profile
.Use a Brave local IPFS node
.IPNS Keys
(add/rotate) section.Import and Sharing
(page, image, text, video) section.go-updater node update
, and clicking onRestart
downloads and installs the latest in-development (release) candidate.Method to resolve IPFS resources
isBrave local IPFS node
showsNode is not running
underIPFS node status
, with aStart
Maximum IPFS cache size (GB)
on thebrave://settings/ipfs
page (setMethod to resolve IPFS resources
toBrave local IPFS node
), the new value is reflected on the diagnostic page (brave://ipfs
) in theRepo Stats -> Size
section.Diagnostic page (
redirects tobrave://ipfs-internals
will present you with anInstall and start
button, which will install and start an IPFS local node. Confirm you seeNode is running
underIPFS node status
, andMy Node
buttons, and a dynamically updatingConnected peers:
temporarily clears all statistics, paths, and config information.Start
populates all statistics, paths, and config information, and you seeStop
, andMy Node
buttons, along with a dynamically updatingConnected peers:
clears and then repopulates all stats, paths, and config information, and you seeStop
, andMy Node
buttons, along with a dynamically updatingConnected peers:
to the right ofConnected peers:
takes you to thePEERS
pane of127.0.0.1:45002/ipfs/bafy..../#/
and you see a global map with a dynamically updating peer count and listing, below.Perform a garbage collection sweep
resets and repopulates theObjects:
stats beneathRepo Stats
.My Node
takes you to theStatus
pane of the IPFS dashboard, with a URL similar to127.0.0.1:45002/ipfs/bafy..../#/
, where you seeConnected to IPFS
, MB count of files shared, and dynamically updating peers count, as well as yourPEER ID
.Import and Sharing
[x] Prerequisites: Brave local IPFS node launched and local gateway configured. On a new profile, loading
and clickingUse a Brave local IPFS node
on the interstitial page will set you up.Importing a page via IPFS
. Context-click the page and selectImport to IPFS > This page
.Importing linked content
. Context-click the first link there and selectImport to IPFS > Linked content
.Importing selected audio
. Context-click any audio file and selectImport to IPFS > Selected audio
.Importing selected image
, right-clicking on the logo, and choosingImport to IPFS > Selected image.
Importing selected text
and make a text selection. Context-click and chooseImport Selected Text to IPFS
and the imported text is readable inside the file.Importing selected video
Import to IPFS > Selected video
.Note: For the other types, downloading from the IPFS webui (My Node) and ensuring they still play in a media player, is enough.
Sharing a local file using IPFS (without IPNS keys)
IPFS -> Share Local File Using IPFS
select and import any local file.https://dweb.link/ipfs/
is copied to the clipboard, and opens when pasting into a new tab.Sharing a local folder using IPFS (without IPNS keys)
IPFS -> share Local Folder Using IPFS
, and select and import any local folder.Address bar
Badge shown only when IPFS support is enabled
, switchMethod to resolve IPFS resources
to eitherGateway
orBrave local IPFS node
, and then see anIPFS
badge/icon in the URL bar.Badge on a public gateway
redirects you seamlessly tohttps://bafybeicgmdpvw4duutrmdxl4a7gc52sxyuk7nz5gby77afwdteh3jc5bqa.ipfs.dweb.link/wiki/Mars.html
, and there's anIPFS
badge/button in the URL bar. Confirm that clickingIPFS
goes toipfs://bafybeicgmdpvw4duutrmdxl4a7gc52sxyuk7nz5gby77afwdteh3jc5bqa/wiki/Mars.html
shows anIPFS
button in the URL bar, and clicking it redirects toipns://libp2p.io/
. Confirm it resolves and loads.Badge on DNSlink websites
badge/button on https://blog.ipfs.tech loadsipns://blog.ipfs.tech
in a new tab.IPFS
badge/button on https://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Asia/?foo=bar#Economy loadsipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Asia/?foo=bar#Economy
in a new tab.Badge only on real IPFS resources
badge/icon in the URL bar (/ipns/google.com
is not a valid CID, nor it is a DNS name with DNSLink TXT record → not IPFS resource)IPFS
badge/icon in the URL bar (ipfs/boxo
is not a valid CID → not IPFS resource → no purple button)Protocol info popup
while usingBrave local IPFS node
for the resolver, and confirm there's a clickable info badge "IPFS" to the left of the URL, with on click pop-up that saysThis content was loaded over the IPFS protocol.
Automatic redirects to IPFS
, setRedirect IPFS resources to the configured IPFS gateway
and confirm it redirects toipfs://bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi
and confirm it redirects toipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/
.IPFS Companion
IPFS Companion
prompts you to install the extension. After clickingAdd extension
, confirm you get a notification that IPFS Companion was added to Brave, and are then taken to theSet your IPFS preference
interstitial page.IPFS Companion
, will load a popup.Companion Preferences
page.My Node
and confirm it opens the same ipfs-webui interface asMy Node
andBrave local IPFS node
andBrave local IPFS node
(Unstoppable Domains)Gateway choice
The interstitial page
Method to resolve IPFS resources
set toAsk
loads the interstitial page.ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org
in a new tab loads the same interstitial page.Use a public gateway
which then redirect to unique Origin athttps://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.dweb.link/wiki/
.Use a Brave local IPFS node
.Public Path gateway
viaSettings -> IPFS -> IPFS public gateway address -> Change
.Only a valid IPFS gateway with Origin isolation enabled can be used in Brave
is displayed (example).Public Subdomain Gateway
viaSettings -> IPFS -> IPFS public gateway address -> Change
. Refer to the IPFS public-gateway list.ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/
and selectingUse a public gateway
which then redirect to unique Origin athttps://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.{YOUR-PUBLIC-GATEWAY}/wiki/
Verify loadshttps://cf-ipfs.com/ipns/en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/
which then redirect to unique Origin athttps://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.{YOUR-PUBLIC-GATEWAY}/wiki/
.Protocol system handler/OS integration
) that pressingWin+R
, typingopen ipfs://bafkreigcnxudvpojjfwncmauociy5q46zsq46oe66cxbyzie3imabuoege
, and pressingEnter
opens Brave and loads an HTML page with the wordPASS
): opening Terminal, and typingopen ipfs://bafkreigcnxudvpojjfwncmauociy5q46zsq46oe66cxbyzie3imabuoege
, and pressingEnter
opens Brave and loads an HTML page with the wordPASS
) that opening a shell and typingxdg-open ipfs://bafkreigcnxudvpojjfwncmauociy5q46zsq46oe66cxbyzie3imabuoege
and pressingEnter
opens Brave and loads an HTML page with the wordPASS
) that pressingWin+R
, typingopen ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Tokyo#Islands
, and pressingEnter
opens Brave and loads an HTML page scrolled to the headerIslands
): opening Terminal, and typingopen ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Tokyo#Islands
, and pressingEnter
opens Brave and loads an HTML page scrolled to the headerIslands
) that opening a shell and typingxdg-open ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Tokyo#Islands
, and pressingEnter
opens Brave and loads an HTML page scrolled to the headerIslands
[x] Prerequisites: Brave local IPFS node launched and local gateway configured on two machines, locally networked (LAN, can be over Wi-Fi).
; see issue 15567 for full setup stepsbrave://settings/ipfs/peers
and click on theAdd
button, it prompts you to enter a new peer-connection string. Confirm that entering an incorrect string yieldsThis name is not valid
upon clickingSubmit
. (Acceptable ones are only CIDs or something like**/p2p/**
button; happen it shows error message and suggests to see more on diagnostic page.Peering.Peers
section of IPFS node config file got updated (either viaMy Node → Settings → IPFS Config
or by manually inspectingbrave_ipfs/config
[x] Prerequisites: Brave local IPFS node launched and local gateway configured. Go to
Settings -> IPFS
, there should be an availableSet up your IPNS keys
option, which opensbrave://settings/ipfs/keys
Publishing a local file using an IPNS key
IPFS -> Share local file using IPNS -> self
is copied to the clipboard by opening a new tab and pasting from the context menu orCTRL+V
) before the?filename=filename.ext
from the copied text.Publishing a local folder using an IPNS key
IPFS > Share local folder using IPNS -> self
is copied to clipboard by opening a new tab and pasting from context menu orCTRL+V
) before the?filename=filename.ext
from the copied text.Importing keys
button and choosing an existing key file to import.self
will yieldThis name cannot be used
.Publishing content with IPNS key
Add/Remove/Rotate keys
, it prompts for a key name and generates a new key.Add
and entering an existing key name shows aThis name cannot be used
error message.self
key prompts for a key name. Enter a valid, unique name and clickRotate
. Confirm the key is created with your entered name, original hash, and a newself
key (with a new hash value) is generated.Export key
andRemove key
. ChooseExport key
and confirm you get prompted to save the key. ClickSave
and ensure the key is saved to disk. Delete the key frombrave://settings/ipfs/keys
and now clickAdd
to confirm the same key as the original is added from disk.Remove key
removes the key from the UI.IPFS on Android
Public Gateway Setting
IPFS Gateway
option is available underBrave Shields & Privacy
for the first time triggers IPFS interstitial page to select public gateway to load the URI.Use a public gateway
via public gateway.ipns://brad.crypto
brings up IPFS interstitial page (ipfs://QmTiqc12wo2pBsGa9XsbpavkhrjFiyuSWsKyffvZqVGtut
)Use a public gateway
via public gateway.ipfs://
URI oripns://
URI doesn't show any interstitial page.ipfs://
URI oripns://
URI doesn't load on a private tab even when the setting is enabled.