brave / brave-browser

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Share button is in incorrect location on iPad #37911

Open ipaduser2000 opened 2 weeks ago

ipaduser2000 commented 2 weeks ago

Description: The share button is located on the left side of the display, yet when pressed it pops up on the right side (and with the arrow on top of the share window pointing to the wrong icon). This is a highly disruptive location because your hand or cursor will be on the opposite side of the display.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Brave and press the share button.

Expected result: Share button is EITHER located on right side where the Share window pops up OR the Share window pops up on the left side of the display (with the share window arrow point pointing to the Share icon).

Reproduces how often: Every time

Brave Version: 1.64 (123) Current AppStore build

Device details: iPadOS 17.14.1; M2 iPad Pro 12.
