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No way to sign out of Leo Premium #37917

Open urbenlegend opened 2 weeks ago

urbenlegend commented 2 weeks ago


It seems like there's no way to sign out of Leo Premium. Both signing out of the Manage Subscription page and "Clear Leo data" do not sign out. The header in the Leo sidebar still shows Premium.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log into Leo Premium
  2. Attempt to sign out via Manage Subscription page
  3. Clear leo data

Actual result:

Leo still says its using Premium

Expected result:

Leo should use free tier

Reproduces how often:

Every time

Desktop Brave version:

1.65.123 Chromium: 124.0.6367.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Android Device details:

Version/Channel Information:

Other Additional Information:

Miscellaneous Information: