brave / brave-browser

Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
17.04k stars 2.22k forks source link

Crash Report #38607

Open Macaroon23 opened 1 month ago

Macaroon23 commented 1 month ago

IMPORTANT: Your crash has already been automatically reported to our crash system. Please file this bug only if you can provide more information about it.

Brave Version: 1.66.115 Chromium: 125.0.6422.112 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.15.7

URL (if applicable) where crash occurred: brave://settings/help

Can you reproduce this crash? Yes, consistently. 100% reproducible.

What steps will reproduce this crash? (If it's not reproducible, what were you doing just before the crash?)

  1. Launch Brave
  2. If Brave hasn't crashed on startup (an improvement on v1.66.113), go to step 3
  3. Open 'About Brave' [brave://settings/help]
  4. Brave doesn't always crash here either (again, an improvement on v1.66.113).
  5. Reload/refresh 'About Brave'
  6. Brave always crashes here with 100% reproducibility

DO NOT CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE Crash ID: crash/702b1300-293f-040c-0000-000000000000

iefremov commented 1 month ago
[ 00 ] ne_filter_stats_toggle
[ 01 ] ne_filter_protocol_remove_input_handler
[ 02 ] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler
[ 03 ] CFURLProtectionSpaceGetServerTrust
[ 04 ] nw_endpoint_flow_failed
[ 05 ] _dispatch_call_block_and_release
[ 06 ] _dispatch_client_callout
[ 07 ] _dispatch_workloop_invoke
[ 08 ] _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread
[ 09 ] _pthread_wqthread
[ 10 ] start_wqthread
[ 11 ] 0x700014fdeb70
[ 12 ] start_wqthread
[ 13 ] base::allocator::dispatcher::internal::DispatcherImpl<base::PoissonAllocationSampler>::AllocFn(allocator_shim::AllocatorDispatch const*, unsigned long, void*) ( dispatcher_internal.h:131 )
[ 14 ] -[OS_xpc_object dealloc]
[ 15 ] _xpc_dictionary_dispose
[ 16 ] base::allocator::dispatcher::internal::DispatcherImpl<base::PoissonAllocationSampler>::AllocFn(allocator_shim::AllocatorDispatch const*, unsigned long, void*) ( dispatcher_internal.h:131 )
[ 17 ] malloc_zone_calloc
[ 18 ] calloc
[ 19 ] _dispatch_kq_poll
[ 20 ] ShimMalloc ( shim_alloc_functions.h:107 )
[ 21 ] allocator_shim::(anonymous namespace)::MallocZoneMalloc(_malloc_zone_t*, unsigned long) ( allocator_shim_override_apple_default_zone.h:145 )
[ 22 ] _dispatch_kq_poll
[ 23 ] _dispatch_event_loop_poke
[ 24 ] _dispatch_event_loop_poke
[ 25 ] _dispatch_event_loop_poke
[ 26 ] _dispatch_event_loop_poke
[ 27 ] objc_object::sidetable_clearDeallocating()
[ 28 ] free
[ 29 ] _dispatch_dispose
[ 30 ] objc_autoreleasePoolPop
[ 31 ] _dispatch_last_resort_autorelease_pool_pop
[ 32 ] _dispatch_root_queue_drain
[ 33 ] _dispatch_worker_thread2
[ 34 ] _pthread_wqthread
[ 35 ] start_wqthread
[ 36 ] _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread
iefremov commented 1 month ago

@Macaroon23 have you tried reinstalling brave from scratch?

iefremov commented 1 month ago

do you have any antivirus software installed? Have you tried any other chromium based browsers?

Macaroon23 commented 3 weeks ago

have you tried reinstalling brave from scratch?

Yes, several times.

do you have any antivirus software installed? Have you tried any other chromium based browsers?

No active Antivirus (other than Apple's MRT which runs at login).

No problems with any other Chromium-based browser. The issue is limited to Brave and is caused by loading or reloading "About Brave".

Just had several repeated crashes on opening/restoring a profile because "About Brave" was open when it crashed. I have set up a test profile and confirmed the issue only arises from loading "About Brave" - but not every time.

Macaroon23 commented 3 weeks ago

More crash IDs:

Crash from Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:13:33 Status: Uploaded Uploaded crash report ID: c1b10800-bf2c-290c-0000-000000000000 Upload time: Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:14:04

Crash from Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:13:24 Status: Uploaded Uploaded crash report ID: d2b10800-bf2c-290c-0000-000000000000 Upload time: Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:14:07

Crash from Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:13:13 Status: Uploaded Uploaded crash report ID: d8b10800-bf2c-290c-0000-000000000000 Upload time: Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:14:09

Crash from Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:12:17 Status: Uploaded Uploaded crash report ID: e5b10800-bf2c-290c-0000-000000000000 Upload time: Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:14:11

Crash from Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:12:29 Status: Uploaded Uploaded crash report ID: ddb10800-bf2c-290c-0000-000000000000 Upload time: Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:14:10

Crash from Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:11:00 Status: Uploaded Uploaded crash report ID: 13af0800-bf2c-290c-0000-000000000000 Upload time: Friday 21 June 2024 at 11:11:02

atuchin-m commented 1 week ago

The same bug: @Macaroon23 BTW, do you use Brave VPN and Reconnect automatically VPN feature? If you do, please switch Reconnect automatically off and see if it helps. 3-rd party firewalls like LuLu also could be involved.