brave / brave-browser

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[Desktop] Browser History Search & Delete Icon Overlap #8882

Closed m-henderson closed 2 years ago

m-henderson commented 4 years ago


The delete button and search icon UI elements within the history screen are overlapping on smaller screens.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Brave browser.
  2. Go to browsing history
  3. Put a checkmark in one of the boxes of the browsing history: image

    1. Resize the screen to a smaller size and notice that a "search glass" UI element overlaps with the delete button: image

Actual result:

The search and delete button overlap image

Expected result:

I expected the search and delete button to be responsive and have proper spacing even on smaller screens.

Reproduces how often:

Easily reproduced

Brave version (brave://version info)

Brave 1.5.115 Chromium: 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision 5f4eb224680e5d7dca88504586e9fd951840cac6-refs/branch-heads/3987_137@{#16}
OS macOS Version 10.15.4 (Build 19E266)
JavaScript V8 8.0.426.27
Flash (Disabled)
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36
Command Line /Applications/Brave Browser --enable-dom-distiller --disable-domain-reliability --no-pings --extension-content-verification=enforce_strict --extensions-install-verification=enforce --sync-url=https://no-thanks.invalid --enable-features=PasswordImport,WebUIDarkMode,SimplifyHttpsIndicator --disable-features=AutofillServerCommunication,WebXrGamepadModule,AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload,VideoPlaybackQuality,WebXR,LookalikeUrlNavigationSuggestionsUI,SmsReceiver,AudioServiceOutOfProcess,NotificationTriggers --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end --enable-audio-service-sandbox --disable-webrtc-apm-in-audio-service --disable-sync
Executable Path /Applications/Brave Browser
Profile Path /Users/michael/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default

Version/Channel Information:

Other Additional Information:

Miscellaneous Information:

The issue was first reported within the forum.

m-henderson commented 4 years ago

@rebron can we add "good first issue" label to this bug sense it's simply spacing of the UI elements?

crescit commented 4 years ago

Hello, I tried looking into the issue. Because the br-toolbar-search-field is position absolute, the margin auto on the overlay does not function as expected. If the div with id overlay-content is overwritten to include a margin-right of 24px than the issue is fixed. The issue I'm having is: where are the page files located to do this override? I have looked at the file brave-browser/src/brave/ui/webui/resources/br_toolbar_selection_overlay_overrides.css.

victorhmp commented 4 years ago

Hi guys! I've been taking a look into this since yesterday and I think I've found a more suitable (and very simple) solution to this.

First of all, @crescit I feel your pain 😅 It took me some time to find the code responsible for rendering the #overlay-content div. But I did find it, and it actually comes from Chromium! Brave just uses it as is, apart for that minor z-index tweak you saw at browser/src/brave/ui/webui/resources/br_toolbar_selection_overlay_overrides.css. If you want to see the div, it's here:

Second, since this is a component from the default Chromium implementation, I tried to find a way to solve this without needing to change any CSS on that overlay.

I fired up Google Chrome to see how they did it, and they simply don't enable users to search in their history after they've selected any items. At first, I thought "Ok, this is a feature that Braves supports, and Chrome doesn't, nice!", but then I tested it on Brave and it doesn't support this correctly either! If you select an item from your history, and then search and try to select new items, all selected items get unselected once you close the search input. I think this might be a UX issue, and by displaying the little search-icon and enabling users to search while selecting history items, user's just get confused as the items they've selected get unselected.

So, finally, my solution is to prevent Brave from displaying the search-icon once a user selects a history item, letting the overlay completely hide it. And to achieve this, I just had to remove a z-index attribute that was added to the .page-search_label CSS class.

I'll open a pull-request in a bit, just running the build process to make sure it works as expected :)

victorhmp commented 4 years ago

@rebron Just created the PR! But it looks like I can't ask for reviews. How should I proceed?

bsclifton commented 4 years ago

@victorhmp I can help with that 😄 Will check that out soon

victorhmp commented 4 years ago

@bsclifton That’s awesome!! Thanks! 😄

behnambaqerlo-developer commented 4 years ago thats soooo goood

dzintars commented 3 years ago

When trying to be fancy, please don't kill the UX.


Razva commented 3 years ago

At this point, when using the search, there's no "Delete" button. Is this "a bug or a feature"?

lakshita15 commented 2 years ago

I'd like to work on this and have read the code too and steps to contribute please assign this to me . regards, lakshita

srirambv commented 2 years ago

@lakshita15 assigned the issue to you. Please open a PR with your fix

LaurenWags commented 2 years ago

Does not reproduce with

Brave | 1.29.65 Chromium: 92.0.4515.159 (Official Build) dev (x86_64)
-- | --
Revision | 0185b8a19c88c5dfd3e6c0da6686d799e9bc3b52-refs/branch-heads/4515@{#2052}
OS | macOS Version 10.15.7 (Build 19H1323)