Fresh install
1. Fresh install Brave
2. Go to the device home screen > Add shortcut
3. Add Brave News shortcuts > Verify
- Verified that `Brave logo` has proper color on all widgets
- Verified the same in the `Light` and `Dark` mode
|Light Mode|Dark Mode|
| ![1]( | ![2]( |
| ![1]( | ![2]( |
Upgrade install
1. Install Brave `1.60`
2. Go to the device home screen > Add shortcut
3. Add Brave News shortcuts > Observe the issue with the `News` widget
4. Upgrade Brave to `1.61` build > Verify
- Verified that `Brave logo` has proper color on all widgets
- Verified the same in the `Light` and `Dark` mode
|Light Mode `1.60`|Light Mode `1.61`|Dark Mode `1.60`|Dark Mode `1.61`|
| ![1]( | ![2]( | ![3]( | ![4]( |
| ![1]( | ![2]( | ![3]( | ![4]( |
The top news list widgets and top news lock screen widget use an inversed monochrome brave logo which is the wrong usage of the logo