brave / muon

[DEPRECATED] Build browsers and browser like applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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Text cursor/caret disappears #316

Open stewartlord opened 6 years ago

stewartlord commented 6 years ago

The text cursor does not appear when the user clicks/focuses a text input. This problem reproduces on Mac, Linux and Windows. We have created a branch to simplify reproducing this problem. It uses the muon-quick repo with very minor changes. Specifically, it embeds a webview that loads

In order to reproduce this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Checkout the branch above
  2. npm install
  3. npm start and immediately click repeatedly in another application to 'steal' focus
  4. Once muon has finished loading, return to the muon application
  5. Attempt to focus the main search input field and observe that no text cursor appears
bridiver commented 6 years ago

can you repro in Brave?

stewartlord commented 6 years ago

It didn't reproduce when I tried the same thing in Brave. I suspect the problem is still there but not being tickled somehow

stewartlord commented 6 years ago

Update: we aren't seeing this bug anymore with 4.4.26. With any luck it has fixed itself 👍