Open andreltr opened 2 years ago
you have a lot of packages loaded in your environment.
theme_set is a function created by the ggthemes package, and has nothing to do with blotter.
I suspect that if you install blotter in an empty environment, it should work fine after that. I use R 3.6.3, R 4.1.x, and R 4.2.x on various machines without issues.
@andreltr is this still an issue?
I'm having trouble installing it in Mac OSX Big Sur. The output is below and further the libraries preloaded,
Error: could not find function "theme_set" Execution halted Warning message: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘/var/folders/xg/n17vb1ts5bv8rpn3qypd61y40000gn/T//RtmpWJepnX/file67343cecdec6/blotter_0.16.2.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
The libraries loaded are below,
R configuration
tibble number of digits printed
options(pillar.sigfig = 7)
default ggthemes theme
default_theme <- theme_set(theme_calc())
Color selection
colors <- c("#D4t3F3A", "#EEA236", "#5CB85C", "#46B8DA", "#9632B8")
TD data directory
folder for caching files
cache_folder <- paste0('/Users/andreltr/Documents/R', '/TD_cache')
Graphics libraries and theme
library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr)
default ggthemes theme
default_theme <- theme_set(theme_calc()) library(ggrepel) library(grid) library(scales) library(directlabels) library(lattice) library(gridExtra) library(plyr) library(reshape2)
library(PerformanceAnalytics) library(FinancialInstrument) library(FinancialMath) library(quantmod)
economics data
for Quandl access
library(Quandl) Quandl.api_key(**) ## hidden
library(magrittr) library(TTR)
library(here) library(svDialogs) library(curl) library(xts) library(zoo) library(rvest) library(tidyverse) library(directlabels) library(stringr) library(forcats) library(lubridate)
library(tidyquant) library(timetk) library(reshape) library(ecoseries)
library(RColorBrewer) library(extrafont) library(tibble) library(formattable)
Any help appreciated,
Andre Luiz