bravobit / FFmpeg-Android

FFMpeg/FFprobe compiled for Android
MIT License
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Can't invoke FFmpeg methods(FFmpeg.getInstance() and new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler()) #131

Closed rennovale closed 4 years ago

rennovale commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to use FFmpeg if Android Studio(java) with a device J415G Android Pie SDK 28(if i'm not mistaken)

The problem is that i can use FFmpeg calling the command without problems:

FFmpeg.execute("--here goes the commands");

BUT, i can't find/call some important methods(they weren't defined):

FFmpeg.getInstance() ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler()

I found only 3 FFmpeg.execute() definitions: 1) public static int execute(final String command) 2) public static int execute(final String command, final String delimiter) 3) public static int execute(final String[] arguments)

None of those arguments expected a new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler()

In other words i can't check if executed commands were successful, can't check if FFmpeg is supported, and so on..

FFmpeg.getInstance(this).isSupported() Capturar

What i did to "install" FFmpeg in Android Studio was add the following line in gradle file. As expected method FFmpeg.execute works, but can't use most of others FFmpeg methods...

dependencies { implementation 'nl.bravobit:android-ffmpeg:1.1.7' }

Is this a issue or am i doing something wrong? Sorry for any trouble i'm very newbie in Android development... And thanks for help

rennovale commented 4 years ago

Sorry i imported two libraries by mistake and was trying to use bravobit commands with the another ffmpeg library...