bravobit / FFmpeg-Android

FFMpeg/FFprobe compiled for Android
MIT License
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CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "ffmpeg" : library "" not found #137

Open huang-yongTech opened 4 years ago

huang-yongTech commented 4 years ago

When I integrate the lib android-ffmpeg to my project ( I compile the file ffmpeg ,ffprobe myself whith ndk-r20 and ffmpeg-4.2.1 ), and then run the project, it got an error:

D/FFmpeg: Build.SUPPORTED_ABI : arm64-v8a
D/FFmpeg: ffmpeg is ready!
D/FFmpeg: Build.SUPPORTED_ABI : arm64-v8a
D/FFmpeg: ffprobe is ready!
D/FFmpeg: Running publishing updates method
D/FFmpeg: Running publishing updates method
D/ZrHung.AppEyeUiProbe: notify runnable to start.
D/MainActivity: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/user/0/com.hy.ndk.ffmpegstudy/files/ffmpeg": library "" not found
E/MainActivity: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/user/0/com.hy.ndk.ffmpegstudy/files/ffmpeg": library "" not found
D/MainActivity: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/user/0/com.hy.ndk.ffmpegstudy/files/ffprobe": library "" not found
E/MainActivity: CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/user/0/com.hy.ndk.ffmpegstudy/files/ffprobe": library "" not found

i have the library "", i don't know why it happens. How to solve it?

huang-yongTech commented 4 years ago

here is my compile bash (in centos-7)

set -x
function function_one
  ./configure \
  --prefix=$PREFIX \
  --enable-shared \
  --enable-static \
  --disable-doc \
  --disable-ffplay \
  --enable-ffprobe \
  --disable-symver \
  --enable-ffmpeg \
  --cc=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/aarch64-linux-android21-clang \
  --cross-prefix=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/aarch64-linux-android- \
  --target-os=android \
  --arch=aarch64 \
  --cpu=armv8-a \
  --enable-cross-compile \
  --sysroot=$SYSROOT \
  --extra-cflags="-O3 -fPIC -I$NDK/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -isysroot $NDK/sysroot -DANDROID -D__thumb__ -mthumb -Wfatal-errors -Wno-deprecated -mfloat-abi=softfp -marm -march=armv8-a" \

  make clean all
  make -j8 
  make install
huang-yongTech commented 4 years ago

I used file ffmpeg,ffprobe from your project, then it works well. But i don't know how to compile these files, in your project, the size of file ffmpeg and ffprobe nearly 20MB, when i compile it myself, it is just 200KB, can you tell me how you compile it please?

mihir0109 commented 3 years ago

Hello.. I am getting same error. any solution?