bravobit / FFmpeg-Android

FFMpeg/FFprobe compiled for Android
MIT License
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ffmpeg concat throws a response with "" instead of onFinished or OnSuccess. I've verified onFailure works, and so does onStart. #167

Open plazar99 opened 3 years ago

plazar99 commented 3 years ago

ffmpeg concat throws a response with "" instead of onFinished or OnSuccess. I've verified onFailure works, and so does onStart.

also with ffmpeg concat I get a onStart trigger when the command starts but never get onFinished or Onsuccess, it seems that it never responds with anything once onStart is thrown, even though the command is running in the background and eventually completes the output file. the issue is that I never get a complete signal on ffmpeg concat. I do get onFinished for other commands, concat is the only one.

is there a trick to this?